Dear grid users,
The NIKHEF grid site has recently been upgraded to version 2.7.0 of the LCG middleware. During this upgrade, we have installed new machines for the user interface and resource broker services.
The new user interface machine is called 'bosui'. It replaces the old user interface host 'tbn12'. The alias 'ui03' now points to the new machine bosui. The user interface software available from the NIKHEF desktops also uses LCG version 2.7.0.
The default resource broker is now 'bosheks'. It replaces the machine 'boswachter'. Jobs submitted via the new user interface already use bosheks as resource broker. The output of old jobs submitted via boswachter can still be retrieved. Please retrieve old job output as soon as possible since we will soon stop the services on boswachter.
The hosts tbn12 and boswachter will remain in service until April 30, 2006.
For news on the NDPF infrastructure, see:
Regards, Ronald