Dear All,
Please let me know asap when you're available for shifts
or (preferably) fill in your shift in the foreseen place.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:00:10 +0100
From: Jean-Pierre Ernenwein <rnenwein(a)>
To: Marco Anghinolfi <Marco.Anghinolfi(a)>
Cc: Annarita <Annarita.Margiotta(a)>, domenico.sciliberto(a),
vincenzo.flaminio_new <vincenzo.flaminio(a)>,
Dmitry Zaborov <zaborov(a)>, hansvh(a),
mago circe <Marco.Circella(a)>, Maarten de Jong <mjg(a)>,
Robert Lahmann <lahmann(a)>,
Kay Graf <kay.graf(a)>,
Rosa Coniglione <coniglione(a)>,
Antonio Capone <antonio.capone(a)>,
Vincent Bertin <bertin(a)>,
Thierry Stolarczyk <stolar(a)>,
LAMARE Patrick <patrick.lamare(a)CEA.FR>,
bertrand vallage <vallage(a)>,
Chantal Racca <racca(a)>,
Thierry Pradier <Thierry.Pradier(a)>, loehner(a),
Antoine Kouchner <kouchner(a)>,
Cristina Carloganu <Cristina.Carloganu(a)>,
Vlad Popa <vpopa(a)>, Stéphane Basa <stephane.basa(a)>,
Christian Tamburini <christian.tamburini(a)>,
Anne Deschamps <deschamps(a)>,
Juan Jose Hernandez Rey <juanjo(a)>, mardid(a)
Subject: Shift list for 2010-2011 ready to fill
Dear All
You can proceed with the fill of the shift-list 2010-2011.
Note that, for simplicity reasons, and to avoid delays, you will enter
yourself the name of the shift leader (who has to be experienced), as
well as the name of the shifter.
Please try to follow the syntax:
Family_Name First_letter_of_firstname, ex: Dirac P
Best Regards