I want to inform you that I am currently copying all Antares data to
NIKHEF in order to facilitate the data access here. It is also planned
to later have a local copy of the reprocessed data (or at least a
reasonable selection thereof).
For the analysis you should be able to make use of the Stoomboot
cluster which offers about 200 cores for the group. Jobs can be
submitted via the qsub utility which is probably known from Lyon.
So far I have already copied all 2008 and 2009 Line12 data to
Copying continues now with Line10 data and then 2010 Line12 data.
Note that the directory structure is slightly different from the
structure in Lyon as 'Line12' and 'Line10' is omitted in the directory
I hope this to be useful for an easy data access and analysis at
NIKHEF, comments are welcome.