Dear colleagues,
a reminder that a Theory Center Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow in
As usual, please register at
See below for the agenda. I look forward to see you there.
Apologies for the later reminder, best wishes, Eric
- Time: 10.00 - 17.00
- Talk 10.30-11.00, H320
Reinier de Adelhart Toorop: "Family symmetries"
- Time: 15.00 - 16.00 Student meeting/discussion
Tiago Nunes da Silve (RuG): "The phase diagram of QCD-like theories"
The idea of the seminar is to give the audience an overall view of the
phase diagram of QCD-like theories. In the first part of the seminar I'll
talk about chiral symmetry and confinement. I will then introduce the order
parameters associated with chiral symmetry breaking and
confinemente/deconfinement transitions and show the picture we have so far
for the phase diagram in the N_f - T plane. In the second part of the
seminar I'll talk about the renormalization group flow and the possibility
of a conformal window for QCD-like theories with large N_f. To conclude,
I'll talk about theories with large chemical potential and color
- Talk 16.30-17.00, H320
- 17.00 Borrel
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