Dear colleagues,
a reminder that a Theory Center Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow in Nikhef.
As usual, please register at
See below for the agenda. I look forward to see you there.
Apologies for the later reminder, best wishes, Eric
The idea of the seminar is to give the audience an overall view of the
phase diagram of QCD-like theories. In the first part of the seminar
I'll talk about chiral symmetry and confinement. I will then introduce
the order parameters associated with chiral symmetry breaking and
confinemente/deconfinement transitions and show the picture we have so
far for the phase diagram in the N_f - T plane. In the second part of
the seminar I'll talk about the renormalization group flow and the
possibility of a conformal window for QCD-like theories with large N_f.
To conclude, I'll talk about theories with large chemical potential and
color superconductivity.