Dear all,

there will be a videoconference on Wednesday the 14th of December at 11:00 in room N328 about the energy spectrum of atmospheric muon neutrinos. The discussion will be focused on the following topics (from Maurizio's e-mail):

This measurement is mandatory for following analyses, as HE diffuse flux and
limit on the neutrino velocity.
This first and very informal contact should be addressed to:
- update (if necessary) the status of energy estimators;
- define which estimator is used (or planned  to be used) by different
- define the data set to be analyzed;
- define a common subsample of unblinded data taking periods;
- define the MC data sample;
- define the minimum set of comparisons between data and MC for the
different analyses; 
- …
- decide the next rencontre and (if possible) analysis timeline.

Best regards,