Dear All,
Still, some of you are supposed to take Antares shifts (see Now I have received a personal request whether someone of Nikhef could takeover a shift (see below). Please let me know asap whether you're willing to help and enter your shift data in the web interface. Thanks in advance,
Dear Maarten,
Goulven Guillard is going to defend his PhD Thesis in mid-october. I would like to be in Strasbourg the beginning of october for help him for the final rush. But ages ago, I put my name on the list for a shift between September 30rd and October 7th (with P. Gay from Clermont).
I would like to find someone to replace me, and I have seen that Nikhef has 4 remaining shifts to place - I know that Nikhef is quite heavily present on the site, but I wanted to ask you and you group if someone was available and willing to replace me for this period. Could you pass the word to your group and give me an answer ? Cheers!
Best regards