-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [App-nl] 20th Symposium on Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 14:08 CET From: Jörg Hörandel j.horandel@astro.ru.nl To: app-nl@nikhef.nl
Dear friends of Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands,
the annual meeting of the Dutch astroparticle physics community will be held this year as a two-day symposium on March 26th and 27th, 2015 in Hotel Erica in Berg en Dal.
This will be the 20th symposium of a series which started in the year 2004. The meetings are organized by the Committee of Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands - CAN.
The idea of these symposia is to form a strong astroparticle physics community in the Netherlands. The symposia give a platform to (PhD) students and postdoctoral researchers to present their recent results to a nation-wide audience and to establish new scientific contacts beyond their own working group.
It is also a tradition to have international keynote speakers, reviewing important aspects of astroparticle physics. Invited speakers for the next symposium include: Luke Drury, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: particle acceleration Rolf Bühler, DESY Zeuthen: Gamma-ray flares from the Crab nebula Alberto Sesana, MPI for gravitational wave physics: gravitational waves
This meeting will also be the annual meeting of the new NWO research program Waves, Rays, and Particles - WARP.
The CAN is looking forward to welcome all of you at the symposium.
Registration is open now. Please register before March 8th, 2015. http://agenda.astro.ru.nl/event/2/
Best regards, Jörg Hörandel (CAN chair)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jörg R. Hörandel - Radboud University Nijmegen & Nikhef - http://particle.astro.ru.nl