-------- Original Message --------
Hi all,
after the discussions we had at your KM3NET seminar 3 weeks
ago, I thought it would be interesting to have Stefano Gabici,
who's currently visiting us at GRAPPA, present a talk on the
status and future of the quest for the sources of Galactic
cosmic rays in view of recent and future gamma ray but also
neutrino measurements. Stefano is a one of the theory experts of
high-energy gamma ray astronomy, working in particular on the
origin of galactic cosmic rays and particle acceleration in
shock fronts, cosmic ray interactions with molecular clouds etc
He is scheduled for a Nikhef colloquium talk next week
Friday, 24 May:
I hope you can make it, I know that you can't come, Aart,
perhaps you can advertise the seminar already now in the
neutrino group?
Best, David
David Berge
University of Amsterdam