---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 17:53:48 +0100 From: Jean-Pierre Ernenwein rnenwein@in2p3.fr To: mago circe Marco.Circella@ba.infn.it, Maarten de Jong mjg@nikhef.nl, Robert Lahmann lahmann@physik.uni-erlangen.de, Kay Graf kay.graf@physik.uni-erlangen.de, Rosa Coniglione coniglione@lns.infn.it, Antonio Capone antonio.capone@roma1.infn.it, Vincent Bertin bertin@cppm.in2p3.fr, Thierry Stolarczyk stolar@dapnia.cea.fr, LAMARE Patrick patrick.lamare@CEA.FR, bertrand vallage vallage@hep.saclay.cea.fr, Marco Anghinolfi Marco.Anghinolfi@GE.INFN.IT, Chantal Racca racca@ccimap.in2p3.fr, Thierry Pradier Thierry.Pradier@IReS.in2p3.fr, loehner@kvi.nl, Antoine Kouchner kouchner@apc.univ-paris7.fr, Cristina Carloganu Cristina.Carloganu@in2p3.fr, Vlad Popa vpopa@venus.nipne.ro, Stéphane Basa stephane.basa@oamp.fr, Christian Tamburini christian.tamburini@univmed.fr, Anne Deschamps deschamps@geoazur.unice.fr, Juan Jose Hernandez Rey juanjo@ific.uv.es, mardid@fis.upv.es, Annarita Annarita.Margiotta@bo.infn.it Subject: Shift list for 2010-2011 will be ready to be filled Tuesday 12th January at 10:00
Dear All,
Could you please have a look to the shift list for 2010-2011: http://ireswww.in2p3.fr/elog/shiftlist_2010_2011/ login: antares password: michelpacha
This shift list (still empty) indicates the shift quotas: i.e. the number of shift that your institute will have to do (1 shift = one person during one week).
This shift list will be filled by you or by someone of your institute appointed by you. It will be possible to start to fill it next Tuesday (12th January, 10:00 AM).
The placement depends only on you: you can choose any free slot. (When some institute is editing an entry, this entry is locked).
The REMOTE/NOT REMOTE item is editable but please do not transform a "not Remote" shift in "remote" shift. You can do the contrary.
The dead line is mid of February. Until this date I will not fill or change anything in the shift list: Institutes have to fill the list by themselves.
After one month (mid of February), If some Institutes have not yet filled the shift list according to their quotas, I will complete myself, but randomly, filling the remaining holes.
Best Regards