Dear All,
Please fill in your shifts asap. I remind you that we have agreed that each person fills in the shifts him/her-self
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 11:49:59 +0100 From: Jean-Pierre Ernenwein To: Maarten de Jong, Vincent Bertin, Thierry Pradier,, Patrick Decowski, Paschal Coyle, Subject: remaining shifts
Dear All
I have to complete the shift list for 2010-2011. Here are the shifts which are not yet placed for your Institute: CPPM : 1 IFIC : 1 IPHC : 1 Nikhef : 8 UPV : 1 (note that the Italian Institutes have scheduled 2 shifts more than their global quota for this shift list, I will see if it could be "used" for Barcelona and NIOZ)
____________________ here are the needs:
6 shifts (1 shift = one person during one week) : week starting the Thursday 19th of August week starting the Thursday 30th of December week starting the Thursday 3rd of March 2011
2 run-coordinator tasks : run coordinator task 1 July -> 29 September 2010 run coordinator task 30 December -> 8 April 2011
note that a task of run coordinator (currently made by Tommaso) is equivalent to 1 shift per month.
At the end of this month I will fill the holes, but if you could fill them by yourself it would be better, especially if you want to do inter-institutes shifts.