Dear colleagues,
a reminder that a Theory Center Meeting is scheduled for friday, 24-2-2012, in Nikhef. As usual, please register at
See below for the agenda. I look forward to see you there.
Best wishes, Eric --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agenda Feb. 24
* Time: 10.00 - 17.00 * Talk 10.30-11.00, H320 Wilco den Dunnen "Linearly polarized gluons and the Higgs transverse momentum distribution"
* Time: 15.00 - 16.00 Student meeting/discussion Tiago Nunes da Silve (RuG): "The phase diagram of QCD-like theories"
The idea of the seminar is to give the audience an overall view of the phase diagram of QCD-like theories. In the first part of the seminar I'll talk about chiral symmetry and confinement. I will then introduce the order parameters associated with chiral symmetry breaking and confinemente/deconfinement transitions and show the picture we have so far for the phase diagram in the N_f - T plane. In the second part of the seminar I'll talk about the renormalization group flow and the possibility of a conformal window for QCD-like theories with large N_f. To conclude, I'll talk about theories with large chemical potential and color superconductivity.
* Talk 16.30-17.00, H320 N.D. Hari Dass (Chennai Math. Institute) "Minimum uncertainty states"
After a discussion of the so called 'Heisenberg Microscope' which heralded the notion of an uncertainty principle, I will discuss the modern variant wherein canonically conjugate variables are simultaneously measured. I will then address the issue of states saturating the bound. After giving a few examples which indicate that perhaps for entangled states, the minimum is not reachable, I will discuss the generality of this connection. A variational method that elegantly addresses such issues will be presented. I shall conclude by briefly mentioning the so called 'Entropic Uncertainty Relations' This is work done with Aditi Sheel and Tabish Qureshi.
* 17.00 Borrel _______________________________________________ Theory-center mailing list