Bfys Meeting at Friday 23 September 9:30-10:45 hours in N328
Dear Colleagues,
I have booked a Bfys Meeting in N328 and on EVO
Friday 23 September 9:30-10:45 hours.
9:30 "News" by Marcel Merk
9:45 "Search for time-integrated CP violation in D0->h-h+"
by Fabian Jansen
At 11:00 Niels Tuning will speak at the Nikhef colloquium.
Best regards,
Nikhef Calendar:
You have BOOKED a meeting in EVO (
Title: Nikhef
Description: Bfys Meeting 9:30-10:45
Community: LHCb
Password: n328
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: n328
- Phone Bridge
ID: 401 3196
Password: 6287
EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers:
- Switzerland (CERN, Geneva)
+41 22 76 71400
- Netherlands (Nikhef, Amsterdam)
+31 20 7165293
Dial '2' at the prompt
Dear Bfys Colleagues,
in case you have not yet seen it, there is a new paper from "Bfys-Th" in the arXiv today:
Best regards,
Dear collegues,
Those of you who can come to Nikhef on the open day this saturday (it is
really appreciated if you come!) please let me know so that I can
communicate your names.
Also, it would be great if you have any posters or other material.
Best regards,
- Marcel
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Surya Bonam <suryab(a)>
Date: 2011/10/3
Subject: Naambadges voor Open Dag.
To: Michiel Botje <h24(a)>, Raimond.Snellings(a), Marcel
Vreeswijk <h73(a)>, Marcel Merk <marcel.merk(a)>, Eric Laenen
<t45(a)>, Marieke Postma <mpostma(a)>, Dorothea Samtleben <
dosamt(a)>, E.Visser(a), Charles Timmermans <
c.timmermans(a)>, Chris Van Den Broeck <vdbroeck(a)>,
jo(a), Jan Visser <janvs(a)>, wvengen(a), Jeff Templon
<templon(a)>, Elly van Kerkhoff <elly(a)>, Nico Rem <
nicorem(a)>, Fred Bulten <b23(a)>, Wim Gotink <n98(a)>
Cc: Joan Berger <jberger(a)>
Beste collega's,
Zouden jullie een lijst willen doorgeven met namen (voor- en achternaam) van
jullie medewerkers die op de Open Dag komen helpen? Dan zorgen wij dat er
voor iedereen een badge, t-shirt en lunchpakket klaarligt.
Surya Bonam
Nikhef, room H222b
Science Park 105
1098 XG Amsterdam
+31(0)20-592 5075