Dear friends,
Tomorrow (friday) we will have the (for now) last two candidates for a
postdoc position visiting us and giving a seminar.
The first is Manuel Schiller at 10h30 in N328:
"Track reconstruction and towards first LHCb results"
In his seminar Manuel will discuss trackfinding pattern recognition
studies, the K_s analysis and work on the proper time resolution in
B_s ---> D_s(K K pi) pi in 2009.
The second is Chris Thomas at 14h30 in H220:
The title of my talk will be "Measurements of gamma using B->DK and
the key role of charm physics inputs".
The abstract is:
"The CKM angle gamma is currently the least constrained of the angles
of the b-d unitarity triangle. Analysis of B->DK decays is a very
promising method to determine gamma more precisely. In this talk I
present the current status of such analyses, including the prospects
for a measurement of gamma at LHCb. I also outline the importance of
external inputs from charm physics, in particular focusing on the
measurement of the (D0,D0bar)->KShh strong phase difference at
I realise that we had an intensive program with many talks and
meetings, but your presence is highly appreciated at these seminars.
So I hope to see you all there,
best regards,
- Marcel