Summary of the Friday 3 February Bfys Meeting at Nikhef
Rose Koopman, Veerle Heijne, Chiara Farinelli, Simm Tolk,
Antonio Pellegrino, Wouter Hulsbergen, Marcel Merk,
Thomas Bauer, Tjeerd Ketel (others joined later).
Connected via EVO:
Patrick Koppenburg, Maurizio Martinelli, Manuel Schiller,
and possibly others with them.
News (Marcel):
- LHCb organisation. J. Albrecht replaces Gerhard as deputy
HLT coordinator.
- 17 February Nikhef Review. Marcel collects material for the
status report.
- Gerco Onderwater and Rieks Messchendorp from KVI, Groningen,
visited our Nikhef group to see if common interests could result
in cooperation.
- Two bachelor students of the VU did a minor project last month
(Ruud van Beek and Erik Hogenbirk). They gave a presentation
at the VU also on Friday.
- Group car keys and bike keys will be kept at a common place at CERN,
to be announced.
Introduction by Tjeerd Ketel:
- 'Measurement of the cross-section ratio sigma(chi_c -> J/psi gamma) /
sigma(J/psi) for prompt chi_c and J/psi production at root s = 7 TeV"
Comments on this paper lhcb-paper-2012-030 will be distributed
for corrections and be posted by Wednesday 8 February.
Best regards,