Dear friends and family,
After five years of joys and sorrows the end has finally come (almost), and
I am happy to invite
you to the defense of my PhD thesis on the:
*"Performance of the LHCb Vertex Locator and Flavor Tagging Studies for the
Measurement of *
*the CKM Angle γ"*
that will take place on *Thursday September 25th, at 13:45* in the Aula of
the VU University
(De Boelelaan 1005, Amsterdam). The ceremony will last about one hour, with
me giving a
short presentation on my work in the first 10 minutes and a shower of
questions from the
committee for the next 50 minutes :) However it will end, there will be a
small reception directly
after the defense with some drinks and snacks so, depending on the outcome
of the defense,
we will either celebrate or try to forget!
On the same evening I will then have a party, which I hope that you will
all be able to
attend (yes, now I am hoping that we will be celebrating)! The exact time
and location
of the party have not been decided yet, but more information will follow
Last but not least, I will have two 'witnesses' to help me in the period
before the defense and to
stand by my side during the defense itself. For many of you this will not
be a surprise, but I am
happy to leave the hard work of paranymphing in the hands of Serena Oggero
and Daan van
Eijk, whom you can contact in case you have any questions and from whom you
will be hearing
more in the next two months!
Their email addresses are:
Serena Oggero *serena.oggero(a) <serena.oggero(a)>*
Daan van Eijk * <>*
Hope to see you all on the 25th!