Hi all,
It's not assigned to us, but I still invite everyone to look at the note
and comment.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: NOTE short circulation for Conference report: CONF-2016-004,
Search for structure in the $B^0_s \pi^\pm$ invariant mass spectrum
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 11:26:59 +0000
From: George Lafferty <george.lafferty(a)manchester.ac.uk>
To: LHCb General mailing list <lhcb-general(a)cern.ch>
Dear colleagues,
A conference report is available for your comments. In order to allow
this important
result to be available for Moriond QCD and to be made public before the
D0 seminar
at CERN next Monday, the dealine for comments has been set as midnight
on Saturday
19 March. We hope that institute readers will be able to respond on this
short timescale.
Title: Search for structure in the $B^0_s \pi^\pm$ invariant mass spectrum
Contact authors: Vladimir_Gligorov, Marco_Pappagallo, Tim_Gershon,
Zhenwei_Yang, Jibo_He
Reviewers: Patrick_Koppenburg (chair), Vanya_Belyaev, Simon_Eidelman (EB)
Analysis note: ANA-2016-017
e-group: lhcb-conf-2016-004-reviewers
Twiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/N2BsPi
Institutes requested to submit comments on the report:
After the deadline, the reviewers are charged with approving the report
for public release, once they are satisfied that all comments have been
taken into account. You can find all reports open for comments via the
EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.
Best regards,
At Moriond, there were some interesting results show this morning. Have a look at their website for all presentations:
https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/12279/ <https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/12279/>
Most notable:
- Belle has updated their measurement of R(D*) with semileptonic tags. Their 2015 result was only using hadronic tags, but measured both R(D) and R(D*). It is consistent with both the SM and previous results, but the difference of the WA and the SM will be more significant. To make the new WA, they are working on the correlation with their 2015 result. R(D) with SL tags is more challenging, due to the lower purity. They do have plans to use hadronic tau decays in the future.
- Atlas does not see much B(s) -> mumu. They measure something like 0.9+1.1-0.8 x 10-9 for Bs. This is very correlated with their BR for Bd, as you can see from slide 18, due to their worse mass resolution. It is not really competitive with the CMS-LHCb combination.
- Gudrun Hiller showed a comparison of the B->K*mumu in the highest q2 bin. This is the first time that I have seen a data-theory comparison in this bin. Up to now we only compared the q2 bins below the Jpsi resonance. In the region above the psi(2S), there is some (known) from charmonium resonances, but the form factor uncertainty should be lower. She finds a good agreement with the SM in this so-called low-recoil region, however, there is still much room for NP as seen in the large recoil region.
Dear colleagues,
Bfys Meeting Friday 4 March at 9:30 in N328 and Vidyo
9:30 - 9:55 Staff meeting (permanent staff only)
1. CB items LHCb week
2. "Projectruimte" proposals
3. Status analysis and hardware projects
4. AoB
10:00 - 10:45 "B(s) -> mumu normalization and B meson
fragmentation fraction ratio fs/fd"
by Jennifer Zonneveld
Interruption for the Colloquium of Prof. Ignas Snellen at 11:00.
Continue in H331 with:
13:30 - 13:50 "Introduction and discussion of LHCb-PAPER-2016-008
Angle gamma" by Marcel Merk
Link: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2134730
Deadline: 11-Mar-2016
13:50 - 14:10 "Introduction and discussion of LHCb-PAPER-2016-007
Omega-b mass & lifetime" by ???
Deadline: 9-Mar-2016
Material (and als Vidyo link) at
protected by PIN 1328.
Direct Vidyo link on the Nikhef Indico (above)
equivalent to:
protected by PIN 1328.
Best regards,