Dear all,
There's an important paper for us: The first evidence of CP violation in
baryons. It would also be our 2nd paper going to Nature Physics.
Anyone volunteering to collect comments?
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2016-030,
Probing matter-antimatter asymmetries in $\Lambda^0_b$-baryon decays
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 15:32:41 +0200
From: Michael Schmelling <Michael.Schmelling(a)>
To: LHCb General mailing list <lhcb-general(a)>
Dear Colleagues,
A draft paper is available for your comments:
Team leaders, please verify the author list and check for reading obligations of your group!
Note that in view of ICHEP the circulation has been shortened from 2 weeks to 10 working days.
Title : Probing matter-antimatter asymmetries in $\Lambda^0_b$-baryon decays
Journal : Nature Physics
Contact authors : Jinlin_Fu, Nicola_Neri, Maurizio_Martinelli, Andrea_Merli
Reviewers : Steve_Playfer (chair),
EB reviewer : Mat_Charles
EB readers : Michael_Schmelling, Simon_Eidelman
Analysis note : ANA-2014-077
Deadline : 29-Jul-2016
e-group : lhcb-paper-2016-030-reviewers
Link :
Authors : LHCb
Twiki :
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility
of the contact authors to provide replies to all comments
made. Subsequent modifications to the draft will be made in
consultation with the reviewers and during the EB reading. Following
this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board, with
contact authors and reviewers present, when final decisions will be
made. As the last step, the collaboration will be given a final opportunity
to comment during a “silent approval” period.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts:…
Best regards,
Michael Schmelling, MPI for Nuclear Physics
Phone:+49-6221-516-511 Fax:+49-6221-516-603
Dear Colleagues,
since today is my birthday there will be cake after lunch at *** 13:00 *** in H321a.
I hope to see you there!
With best regards,
Hi all,
I noted we also have the Bs->tau tau CONF (Kristof et al) assigned to
the VU. I read it on the plane and have a plethora of comments. The
deadline is tomorrow. Is anyone assigned to this note? Is anyone else
reading it? Thanks for letting me know asap. If not I'll submit tomorrow.
Dear Kristof, Justine,
Congratulations for this impressive amount of work. I have a few
comments on the CONF. I use the same level of pedantry as I would for a
paper, as most of it can be recycled when we reach that stage.
Physics / General:
- Values: From the Brazil plots I read 0.003 and 0.0013 at 95 CL. In
the abstract and body you give a value that is 10 times smaller for the
Bd. That cannot be as there is a factor 4 between alpha and alpha_s.
What's up?
- I have troubles with the concept of "all of nothing". In the
abstract you write you see no signal and then set limits depending if
"all events" come from Bs or Bd. We know already they do not. Rephrase
here and in the body as "signal (fully) dominated by Bs decays", or
similar. You should also help the reader understanding where this
assumption comes from: just point to the factor 30 in SM BFs, to be
multiplied by fd/fs.
- That makes me think: The overall rates ratio in the SM is only 8 or
so. Assuming SM-like flavour structure you could set a limit on both
BFs. Probably for the paper...
- L.41: I hope this is a typo and that you use D+>K-pi+pi+ and not the
DCS mode you mention here. It is right in Eq. (3) (but call it K-pi+pi+,
- L.98: I fail to understand what you mean with no NN requirement. And
which of the two NN do you mean?
- L.172: "are dependent" is too vague. Can you give the reader a
feeling for how much it affects the limits?
... around there you should also compare the limit for the Bd with
that of Babar.
Title page: Isn't Kristof's name De Bruyn?
Abstract: No signal is observed.
L.5: why strong? It's 3.0sigma
L.13: Belle result of Ref. [9] (as you include other Belle results)
L.16: B0->K*0mumu
L.19: Use the cite package to get [12-14]
L.30: add some space between = and 7
L.31: reconstructable -> ible
L.32: discriminating against what? It certainly is against Z->tautau
L.35: all the observed decays are assumed to originate from a Bs meson
L.80: in Ref. [31]. Refer to the appendix here (unless that goes to
additional material)
L.93: \tau
L.104: most of the signal decays fall
L.105: remove one. What are these 10000 events? Data, simulation? It's
not clear at all.
L.106: global replace : number of signal events -> signal yield
Eq.1: SR, CR, data and sim in roman (also in figure captions).
L.118: \bquark-hadron
L.122: Gaussian
L.124: remove one.
L.133: background-only
Fig.2: y axis: fraction of decays (up), candidates (down). x axis: use
similar size fonts for title and labels. You could put the two plots
next to each other to save space and avoid plots being fara away from
where mentioned.
Fig.3: spell out relative. Why "subregion" wasn't it called region before?
L.15); the dominant one -> dominant
L.154: deviation of what? You mean the fitted signal yield I presume.
L.155: error -> uncertainty
L.159: how can you add an uncertainty in quadrature with the statistics
of the simulated sample. Say what you mean exactly (and do not use the
statistics jargon).
L.163: signal yield
L.166: the general comment applied also here.
L.167: the one -> that
L.176: \tau. remove thus.
Fig.4: it is possible to show negative yields, we have done so in the past.
Fig.6 and 11: add some space between label and title of x axis.
[6] collaboration
[14] remove no. 7
[27] strange placement of comma
[31] why period after Universit\'e?
[34] D. Mart{\'\i}nez Santos
[40] Strange format
The overall quality of the English is lower in App. A. Is that to be
included in the note? It seems not to be referred to from anywhere.
L.285: lose (?)
L.292: ... and the Z boson being produced at the PV. (it would not work
at LEP)
L.295: 4-vector conservation is implied. No need to mention all that.
L.302: not clear what former and latter refer to.
Eq.4: period missing
L.310: only instance of we
L.320: I believe that it is highly non-trivial, but rather than you
showing off I'd prefer knowing how you do it.
L.327: the ones -> those
L.331: much more -> only
L.333: remove ones.
Are App B and C additional material?
L.345 and 351: use boldmath
L.348: $Z$ (?)
Fig.7: Events -> Candidates
L.352: The NN output distributions for simulated B->tautau decays in the
... Fig.~9. The general comment also applies here.
Fig. 9: Fraction of decays
Fig. 10: Candidates
Patrick Koppenburg Nikhef, Amsterdam
Hi all,
Reviews always come in pairs. Here's a CONF with deadline on 12 September.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Conference report circulation: CONF-2016-012, Updated search
for the decay $K^0_{\rm S} \to \mu^+\mu^-$
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2016 23:36:34 +0200
From: Michael Schmelling <Michael.Schmelling(a)>
To: LHCb General mailing list <lhcb-general(a)>
CC: lhcb-conf-2016-012-reviewers <lhcb-conf-2016-012-reviewers(a)>
Dear colleagues,
A conference report is available for your comments:
Team leaders, please check the reading responsibilities of your institute.
Title: Updated search for the decay $K^0_{\rm S} \to \mu^+\mu^-$
Contact authors: Giacomo_Graziani, Jessica_Prisciandaro
Reviewers: Xuhao_Yuan (chair), Patrizia_De_Simone, Brian_Meadows (EB)
Analysis note: ANA-2016-053
Deadline: 12-Sep-2016
e-group: lhcb-conf-2016-012-reviewers
Institutes requested to submit comments on the report:
After the deadline, the reviewers are charged with approving the report
for public release, once they are satisfied that all comments have been
taken into account. You can find all reports open for comments via the
EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.…
Best regards,
Michael Schmelling, MPI for Nuclear Physics
Phone:+49-6221-516-511 Fax:+49-6221-516-603
Hi all,
Another one for us. B -> 4 muons!
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2016-043,
Search for the very rare decays of beauty mesons into four muons
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 11:54:20 +0200
From: Michael Schmelling <Michael.Schmelling(a)>
To: LHCb General mailing list <lhcb-general(a)>
Dear Colleagues,
A draft paper is available for your comments:
Team leaders, please verify the author list and check for reading obligations of your group!
Title : Search for the very rare decays of beauty mesons into four muons
Journal : JHEP
Contact authors : Alexander_Baranov, Tobias_Tekampe
Reviewers : Benoit_Viaud (chair),
EB reviewer : Alberto_Correa_Dos_Reis
EB readers : Nicola_Serra, Michael_Schmelling
Analysis note : ANA-2015-040
Deadline : 16-Sep-2016
e-group : lhcb-paper-2016-043-reviewers
Link :
Authors : LHCb Alexander Baranov
Twiki :
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility
of the contact authors to provide replies to all comments
made. Subsequent modifications to the draft will be made in
consultation with the reviewers and during the EB reading. Following
this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board, with
contact authors and reviewers present, when final decisions will be
made. As the last step, the collaboration will be given a final opportunity
to comment during a “silent approval” period.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts:…
Best regards,
Michael Schmelling, MPI for Nuclear Physics
Phone:+49-6221-516-511 Fax:+49-6221-516-603
Hi all,
The Lambdab->p3pi paper is in 2nd circulation until Monday. Here are my
comments. I'll submit them on Monday but am happy to insert any
additional comment.
Dear Jinlin, Nicola, Maurizio, Andrea,
The paper is much improved wrt the 1st circulation and better suited for
a non HEP audience. Here are a few more comments
L.11: (quark content $bud$) [ It may not be obvious that these are quarks)
L.13: non-negligible -> sizeable [ negligible is always wrt to something ]
L.25: This repeats L.6
Fig.1: The diagrams could be improved, but we believe Nature will do
that anyway.
L.40: No colons before equations
L.81: events -> $pp$ collisions events [ This is HEP jargon. You give
several different meanings to event, see below. Here it's the correct
use, but
being precise does not harm.]
L.93: events -> decays
Fig.2: extract -> determine
L.145: make this a full paragraph break.
L.257 and 259: Use -- for ranges.
Patrick Koppenburg Nikhef, Amsterdam