Dear bfys friends,
Below is a mail announcing the circulation of the Bsmumu paper, which is
submitted to Nature.
We are not requested to read it as an institute, but I think it would be
good if we would review it anyway because of the unique character of the
paper (submitted to Nature) and since we have been deeply involved in the
- Marcel
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rolf Oldeman <rudolf.oldeman(a)>
Date: 28 August 2014 17:02
Subject: First AND ONLY circulation of publication draft for
PAPER-2014-049, Observation of the rare $B_s^0 \to \mu^+\mu^-$ decay from
the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data
To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)" <lhcb-general(a)>
Dear Colleagues,
This is to announce the first and only 11-day circulation of the paper
describing the combined analysis of the Bs->mumu decay from
LHCb and CMS data. This draft is coauthored with CMS and went into
circulation with the same deadline there today as well.
This is our first paper to Nature, which explains the (for us) unusual
sectioning, demanded by the journal.
Title :
Observation of the rare $B_s^0 \to \mu^+\mu^-$ decay from the combined
analysis of CMS and LHCb data
Journal : Nature
Contact authors : Marc-Olivier Bettler, Francesco Dettori, Flavio Archilli
Reviewers : Rolf Oldeman (chair),
Vincenzo Vagnoni
EB reviewer : Val Gibson
Analysis note : ANA-2014-066
Deadline : 08-Sep-2014
e-group : lhcb-paper-2014-049-reviewers
Link :
Authors : LHCb and CMS
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:
Firenze, Italy
UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
ITEP, Moscow, Russia
LAL, Orsay, France
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg, Germany
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility
of the contact authors to provide replies on all comments
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.…
Rolf Oldeman
Dear colleagues,
Bfys Meeting Friday 29 August at 9:30 in N328 and Vidyo
9:30 - 9:50 Staff meeting (only permanent staff)
10:00 - 11:00 Discussion of LHCb-PAPER-2014-054 by Antonio Pellegrino
"A model-independent unbinned search for CP violation
in D0 to pi+pi-p0 decays"
Deadline : 04-Sep-2014
Link :
11:00 - 11:15 Collection of comments on LHCb-PAPER-2014-052 by Gerco
Onderwater (not present)
"Search for the lepton flavour violating decay in
tau- to mu-mu+mu-"
Deadline : 02-Sep-2014
Link :
11:15 - 11:30 Collection of comments on LHCb-Conf-2014-004 by Niels Tuning
"Improved constraints on gamma: CKM2014 update"
Deadline : 03-Sep-2014
Link :
The material can be found at
If you login here as lhcb (...) you will find several hidden files,
including the papers and the file Onderwater_NuFact2014.pdf
which gives Gerco's conference presentation about this subject.
Vidyo link in Nikhef Bfys Meeting
(at Institutes->Nikhef of Friday 14 March 2014)
protected by PIN 1328.
Best regards,
Dear bfys friends,
This friday Patrick Werneke organises a dedicated technical colloquium on
the use of magnesium as a construction metal (see below).
If you are interested please join the colloquium Friday, at 10h45 in H331.
best regards,
- Marcel
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Patrick Werneke <werneke(a)>
Date: 2014-09-02 14:22 GMT+02:00
Subject: Colloquium over magnesium als constructie materiaa:l 10.45 in H331
To: Wouter Hulsbergen <wouterh(a)>, Nigel Hessey <
nigel.hessey(a)>, Auke Colijn <auke.pieter.colijn(a)>,
Paul.Kuijer(a), antonio(a), Paul de Jong <h26(a)>,
Ruud Kluit <r.kluit(a)>, Marcel Merk <i93(a)>, Tjeerd Ketel <
Beste allemaal,
Zouden jullie dit aan andere geïnteresseerden binnen jullie groep kunnen
Aanstaande vrijdag is een colloquium over magnesium als constructie
materiaal: 5 september om 10.45 in H331.
Met atoomnummer 12 en een soortelijk gewicht van 1,7 kg/dm^3 is magnesium
een interessant materiaal voor ons ivm stralingslengte en voor andere
lichtgewicht constructies. Magnesium heeft ook enkele nadelen.
Wim Sillekens (ESA) en Robert Werkhoven (TNO) hebben in het verleden veel
onderzoek gedaan naar het materiaal magnesium. Zij zullen een algemene
inleiding geven over het materiaal magnesium en vertellen over de diverse
onderzoeken die gedaan zijn bij TNO/ESA. Het is in ieder geval de moeite
waard om naar het colloquium te komen.
Wim is ook verantwoordelijk voor het ExoMet Project. Dit is een EU/ESA
onderzoeksproject naar lichte metaal legeringen en nanocomposieten.
Wellicht gebruiken we in de toekomst alleen nog maar materialen die bestaan
uit nanocomposieten.
groet, Patrick
Patrick Werneke
Group Leader Mechanical Technology
Nikhef - National Institute for Subatomic Physics
Science Park 105 | 1098 XG Amsterdam | Netherlands
T: +31 205925057 | M: +31 651275253
E: werneke(a) | I:
Dear all,
We also have a conference report for Nikhef to comment before 3 September.
I propose to discuss it tomorrow at the bfys meeting.
I will add it to the agenda.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:06:44 +0000
From: Rolf Oldeman <rudolf.oldeman(a)>
To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)" <lhcb-general(a)>
Subject: Conference report circulation: CONF-2014-004,
Improved constraints on $\gamma$: CKM2014 update
Dear colleagues,
A conference report is available for your comments:
Title: Improved constraints on $\gamma$: CKM2014 update
Contact authors: Moritz Karbach, Matt Kenzie, Denis Derkach
Reviewers: Tom Latham (chair), Karim Trabelsi, Claudia Patrignani (EB)
Analysis note: ANA-2014-069
Deadline: 03-Sep-2014
e-group: lhcb-conf-2014-004-reviewers
Institutes requested to submit comments on the report:
NIKHEF VU, Netherlands
Ferrara, Italy
NSC KIPT, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Universitaet Rostock, Germany
CPPM, Marseille, France
After the deadline, the reviewers are charged with approving the report
for public release, once they are satisfied that any comments have been
taken into account. You can find all reports open for comments via the
EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.
Regards, Rolf Oldeman
Dear all,
We have a second paper for comments before 5 September.
I propose to discuss both papers 052 and 054 at Friday
morning 29 August.
It would be nice to have volunteers to introduce these
papers and to collect the comments.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:24:42 +0000
From: Rolf Oldeman <rudolf.oldeman(a)>
To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)" <lhcb-general(a)>
Subject: First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2014-054,
A model-independent unbinned search for CP violation in $D^0\to
\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ decays
Dear Colleagues,
A paper is available for your comments:
Title :
A model-independent unbinned search for CP violation in $D^0\to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$
Journal : PLB
Contact authors : Jolanta Brodzicka, Marco Gersabeck
Reviewers : Jussara Miranda (chair),
Marcello Rotondo
EB reviewer : Justine Serrano
EB readers : Michael Schmelling, Wouter Hulsbergen
Analysis note : ANA-2014-029
Deadline : 05-Sep-2014
e-group : lhcb-paper-2014-054-reviewers
Link :
Authors : LHCb +Kevin Maguire
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:
Frascati, Italy
MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany
Warsaw, Poland
Genova, Italy
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
NIKHEF, Netherlands
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility
of the contact authors to provide replies on all comments
made. Subsequent modification to the publication are made in
consultation with the reviewers and during the EB reading. Following
this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board with
contact authors and reviewers present where final decisions are
made. As the last step a short presentation is given to the
collaboration and the paper is sent for publication.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.…
Rolf Oldeman
Dear all,
We have a new paper for comments before 2 September.
I propose to discuss it at Friday morning 29 August.
It would be nice to have a volunteer to introduce this
paper and to collect the comments.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:41:36 +0000
From: Rolf Oldeman <rudolf.oldeman(a)>
To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)" <lhcb-general(a)>
Subject: First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2014-052,
Search for the lepton flavour violating decay $\tau^-\to \mu^-\mu^+\mu^-$
Dear Colleagues,
A paper is available for your comments:
Title :
Search for the lepton flavour violating decay $\tau^-\to \mu^-\mu^+\mu^-$
Journal : JHEP
Contact authors : Paul Seyfert, Marcin Chrzaszcz
Reviewers : Benoit Viaud (chair),
Matteo Rama
EB reviewer : Diego Tonelli
EB readers : Hassan Jawahery, Frederic Machefert
Analysis note : ANA-2014-005
Deadline : 02-Sep-2014
e-group : lhcb-paper-2014-052-reviewers
Link :
Authors : LHCb
Twiki :
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:
Dublin, Ireland
LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
PNPI, Gatchina, Russia
Bristol, United Kingdom
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
NIKHEF, Netherlands
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility
of the contact authors to provide replies on all comments
made. Subsequent modification to the publication are made in
consultation with the reviewers and during the EB reading. Following
this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board with
contact authors and reviewers present where final decisions are
made. As the last step a short presentation is given to the
collaboration and the paper is sent for publication.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.…
Rolf Oldeman
I noticed that this CONF note is also for us. Since the deadline for comments is soon (short circulation), maybe we should discuss this one also this Friday.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Rolf Oldeman <rudolf.oldeman(a)<>>
Subject: Conference report circulation: CONF-2014-004, Improved constraints on $\gamma$: CKM2014 update
Date: 27 August, 2014 20:06:44 GMT+2
To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)" <lhcb-general(a)<>>
Dear colleagues,
A conference report is available for your comments:
Title: Improved constraints on $\gamma$: CKM2014 update
Contact authors: Moritz Karbach, Matt Kenzie, Denis Derkach
Reviewers: Tom Latham (chair), Karim Trabelsi, Claudia Patrignani (EB)
Analysis note: ANA-2014-069
Deadline: 03-Sep-2014
e-group: lhcb-conf-2014-004-reviewers
Institutes requested to submit comments on the report:
NIKHEF VU, Netherlands
Ferrara, Italy
NSC KIPT, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Universitaet Rostock, Germany
CPPM, Marseille, France
After the deadline, the reviewers are charged with approving the report
for public release, once they are satisfied that any comments have been
taken into account. You can find all reports open for comments via the
EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.
Regards, Rolf Oldeman
Dear colleagues,
Bfys Meeting Friday 29 August at 9:30 in N328 and Vidyo
9:30 - 9:55 Staff meeting (only permanent staff)
10:00 - 11:00 Discussion of LHCb-PAPER-2014-054 by Antonio Pellegrino
"A model-independent unbinned search for CP violation
in D0 to pi+pi-p0 decays"
Deadline : 04-Sep-2014
Link :
11:00 - 11:15 Collection of comments on LHCb-PAPER-2014-052 by Gerco
Onderwater (not present)
"Search for the lepton flavour violating decay in
tau- to mu-mu+mu-"
Deadline : 02-Sep-2014
Link :
The material can be found at
and will be protected by lhcb, etc.
If you login as lhcb (...) you will find the file Onderwater_NuFact2014.pdf
which gives Gerco's conference presentation about this subject.
Vidyo link in Nikhef Bfys Meeting
(at Institutes->Nikhef of Friday 14 March 2014)
protected by PIN 1328.
Best regards,
Dear all,
We have a short paper to be commented by Nikhef before Tuesday 19/8.
Please, give your comments by email. I will collect them
latest on Tuesday and upload our comments, after a short check with
you, that evening to CDS.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 21:54:57 +0000
From: Rolf Oldeman <rudolf.oldeman(a)>
To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)" <lhcb-general(a)>
Subject: First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2014-048,
Precision measurement of the mass and lifetime of the $\Xi_b^-$ baryon
Dear Colleagues,
A paper is available for your comments:
Title :
Precision measurement of the mass and lifetime of the $\Xi_b^-$ baryon
Journal : PRL
Contact authors : Steve Blusk
Reviewers : Giacomo Graziani (chair),
Matt Needham
EB reviewer : Patrick Koppenburg
EB readers : Diego Tonelli, Ronan McNulty
Analysis note : ANA-2013-065
Deadline : 19-Aug-2014
e-group : lhcb-paper-2014-048-reviewers
Link :
Authors : LHCb
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:
Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Cracow, Poland
Birmingham, United Kingdom
NIKHEF VU, Netherlands
Ferrara, Italy
KINR, Kyiv, Ukraine
Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
Note that this list differs from what was announced at the time of the approval:
the last-minute change was done to free institutes that had just gotten the
113 page luminosity paper from any other assignments.
Although the main body of the draft has been fully reviewed and signed off by
the reviewers,
a couple of 'technical' items are still missing due the very short available
time between approval
and the proponent leaving for a trip.
The present draft misses: paper number / author list / PRL justification / word
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility
of the contact authors to provide replies on all comments
made. Subsequent modification to the publication are made in
consultation with the reviewers and during the EB reading. Following
this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board with
contact authors and reviewers present where final decisions are
made. As the last step a short presentation is given to the
collaboration and the paper is sent for publication.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.…
Rolf Oldeman
Hi All,
For those who may not be on ph-dep-info-seminars (one can actually
subscribe to that list, I just noticed).
> Dear all,
> Please find details and poster related to the CERN-LHC Seminar TODAY on Tuesday 12th of August in the Council Chamber (503/1-001) at 11h00:
> “Gamma measurements in Bs->DsK and other tree-level decays”
> by Manuel Tobias Schiller (NIKHEF (NL))
> Abstract: The angle gamma is the least constrained parameter in the CKM unitarity triangle. Its determination in decays induced by tree-level b -> u transitions is largely unaffected by potential new physics contributions.
> This allows for a consistency check of the unitarity triangle, but also of comparisons with gamma determinations from modes with loop-diagrams.
> We present here a new precise determination of gamma using a time-dependent flavour-tagged analysis of Bs -> Ds K decays with the LHCb experiment.
> New developments in flavour tagging are presented.
> Please note that a Webcast will be available for this Seminar.
> Kind regards,
> Claire