Summary of the Friday 26 March 2010 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Antonio, Eddy, Gerhard, Leo, Marcel, Thomas, Tjeerd and Tristan. Connected via EVO: Barbara, Chiara, Daan, Kazu, Martin, Niels and Serena (and may be other listeners).
News: 1 Next week LHday morning is planning to collide 3.5 TeV on 3.5 TeV protons.Gerhard and Tjeerd will be available at Nikhef for questions about LHCb. 2 The new PhD student Rob Knegjens will start an exclusive theoretical project with Robert Fleischer. 3 Roel Aaij started 1 March as PhD student in the "projectruimte" awarded to Robert Feischer and Gerhard Raven on Bsub-s to J/Psi-phi decays. 4 Jeroen van Leerdam will start 15 April as PhD student on K* to mu-mu decays with Patrick and the VELO. 5 Daniella Remenska started a 2 years graduation study in Eindhoven on computation and presented on the infrastructure for the stoomboot computer farm at Nikhef. 6 Veni proposals for innovational research on B physics are submitted to NWO by Jacopo Nardulli and by Nicola Serra. 7 The procedures for the election of a new spokesperson and of a new chairman for the Collaboration Board have started. Antonio is local representative for The Netherlands and France for these elections. 8 Upgrade of the VELO detector will be investigated at Nikhef by R&D on the velopix detector and on the cooling interface and recently on the RF foil. 9 Next year Beauty 2011 during 4-8 April may be held in Amsterdam.
Chiara Farinelli presented the VELO error banks via EVO. The pdf file can be found on the Nikhef calendar page.
Tjeerd Ketel ============================================================