Dear Patrick,

I also had a closer look at the paper. I have only a few issues:

l. 19: a la Niels I think having a figure here is indispensable. Because seeing why b->edubar and b->duubar should interfere is by no means obvious, even to fellow particle physicists.

l29-33: the link from T-violating to CP-violating observables is made without even mentioning the CPT theorem! That is of course VERY sloppy! What is defined in are really the T-odd and then P-odd or P-even observables. You need to ASSUME CPT-invariance to make that into a CP-violating observable. 

l.36-39: there is such a thing as a strong-CP phase, which is connected to the so-called theta-bar term. I doubt it that this is what is meant here with “strong” phase.  The whole argument here requires too much thought. Can it be made simpler so that it can be made clearer what the point actually is?



On 21 Jul 2016, at 14:48, Niels Tuning <> wrote:

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for reminding me to read this historical paper.
Please find my comments below.

Cheers, Niels


* Instead of  "-CP-", I would write out "CP violation".
* Example diagrams of the interfering b->udu and b->duu amplitudes are
 indispensable, for a Nature Physics paper aiming at a wider circle than
 flavour physicists.

L.7 "virtual W boson with couplings whose phases can" ->
"virtual W boson where the phases of the couplings can"

L.20-21 "CPV could arise from the interference of two amplitudes mainly due to the large phase of the CKM element Vub ..."
[Strictly speaking this is not true. Other phase conventions have
a vanishing phase for Vub. How about this: ]
"CPV could arise from the interference of two amplitudes mainly
due to the large phase difference if one of the amplitudes involves the CKM element Vub ..."

L.31 [Why does the T-operator get a hat, and the P-operator not?]

L.32 [Please could you insert the phrase time-reversal somewhere?
Maybe here:]
"where T is the operator... three-vectors [16,17]." ->
"where T is the operator... three-vectors, also known as the time-reversal operator [16,17]."

L.45 ["localised CPV" sounds jargon. How about: ]
"... to enhance sensitivity to CPV in specific parts of the phase space."

L.50 [Could you add a reference to the LHCb measurement of BR(Lb->Lcpi), \cite{LHCb-PAPER-2014-004}, which shows that these are indeed the most abundant decays? (And the reference gives also more details on the relative Lb production.)]

L.121 [The phrasing of the bins of scheme B, using the n,(n-1) interval, is complicated. How about simply: ]
"Scheme B has 10 equidistant bins in |Phi|."

Fig.2 [The legend and Chi2 of Figs.c) and d) are smaller than the ones in a) and b).]

L.147. [My Chi2 calculator shows that Chi2/ndf=30.5/10 corresponds to a p-value of 7.1 x 10^-4 ? (and 21.1/12 becomes p=4.89 x 10^-2 ?]


On Thu, 21 Jul 2016, Patrick Koppenburg wrote:

Hi all,
I was expecting no replies. Please read the paper and send me your comments. There's likely to be some noise about it, so you may get asked questions by your non-LHCb colleagues. The best way to be informed about (and influence) the content is to read it now.
The next paper assigned to us will be that to be approved today . It's tt, W+bb and W+cc cross-sections (to go to paper) but it will be followed by a CONF on Higgs->bb and Higgs->cc. I understand this will also be assigned to us.
On 07/18/2016 04:03 PM, Patrick Koppenburg wrote:
     Dear all,

     There's an important paper for us: The first evidence of CP violation in baryons. It would also be our 2nd paper going to Nature Physics.

     Anyone volunteering to collect comments?



     -------- Forwarded Message --------
     First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2016-030, Probing matter-antimatter asymmetries in $\Lambda^0_b$-baryon decays
     Mon, 18 Jul 2016 15:32:41 +0200
     Michael Schmelling <>
     LHCb General mailing list <>
Dear Colleagues,
A draft paper is available for your comments:
Team leaders, please verify the author list and check for reading obligations of your group!
Note that in view of ICHEP the circulation has been shortened from 2 weeks to 10 working days.
Title           : Probing matter-antimatter asymmetries in $\Lambda^0_b$-baryon decays
Journal         : Nature Physics
Contact authors : Jinlin_Fu, Nicola_Neri, Maurizio_Martinelli, Andrea_Merli
Reviewers       : Steve_Playfer (chair),
EB reviewer     : Mat_Charles
EB readers      : Michael_Schmelling, Simon_Eidelman
Analysis note   : ANA-2014-077
Deadline        : 29-Jul-2016
e-group         : lhcb-paper-2016-030-reviewers
Link            :
Authors         : LHCb Twiki           :
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility
of the contact authors to provide replies to all comments
made. Subsequent modifications to the draft will be made in
consultation with the reviewers and during the EB reading. Following
this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board, with
contact authors and reviewers present, when final decisions will be
made. As the last step, the collaboration will be given a final opportunity
to comment during a “silent approval” period.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts:
Best regards,
Michael Schmelling, MPI for Nuclear Physics
Phone:+49-6221-516-511 Fax:+49-6221-516-603
Bfys-physics mailing list

- Gerco

Dr. C.J.G. Onderwater
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