============================================================ Summary of the Friday 25 June 2010 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Erwin Visser, Leo Wiggers, Marcel Merk, Tjeerd Ketel, Fabian Jansen, Tristan du Pree, Niels Tuning, Jeroen van Leerdam. Connected via EVO: Alexandr Kozlinskyi, Antonio Pellegrino, Nicola Serra, Barbara Storaci, Wouter Hulsbergen
News by Marcel: - The Nikhef B-physics workshop was held in Oldenzaal, 14-16 June. A lighter version of this workshop will be held in fall at CERN. - The LHCb week in St. Petersburg will be attended by Vanya Belyaev and Patrick Koppenburg. - In the Collaboration Board meeting the election of the new spokesperson will take place among four candidates, Themis Bowcock, Andreas Schopper, Pierre-Luigi Campana and Clara Matteuzzi. - Re-election of the physics coordinator and the CB chairperson is also on the agenda. - The LHCb authorlist should be individually checked. - LHC had two weeks of MD for better luminosity. Last night there were collisions with the expected high event rate per beam crossing. - Beauty 2011 (http://beauty2011.nikhef.nl/) will take place in Felix Meritis on 4-8 April.
The presentation of Alexandr Kozlinskyi about D*+ production can be found on the Nikhef Calendar page.
Tjeerd Ketel ============================================================