Dear all,
I will not attend the Friday meeting as I'll be at ICHEP. I find
the paper extremely well written and have only very few comments
left. I should add I have not yet read the parallel PRD paper and
so am unbiased by this one.
Title: "overlapping spin-1 and 3 states" is a bit technical for
PRL. Can't we write the DsJ(2860) is a degenerate state of spin 1
and 3?
L.100: \B candidate -> \Bs candidate
L.102-3: This sentence comes too early. It's not clear what is
integrated (though easy to guess).
L.111: "peak-to-peak" is mysterious to me.
L.115: Kpi -> \Km{}\pip
L.122: lineshape is misspelled
Fig.3 : The components are invisible on a printed version. Fig e
could be made a bit wider and less grassy (or maybe d and e could
be merged and shown in log scale?). The 2.77-2.91 range could be
shown in fig e.
Fig.4 a legend would help. The caption mentions only red and green
while there are line styles too.
On 25/06/14 15:24, Tjeerd Ketel wrote:
Dear all,
We have a new paper to comment before 8 July.
I propose to discuss it on Friday 4 July after the master
by Lennaert Bel.
Please, do volunteer to introduce this paper and collect our
Best regards,
----- Doorgestuurd bericht van -----
Datum: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:04:51 +0000
Van: Rolf Oldeman <>
Onderwerp: First circulation of publication draft for
PAPER-2014-035, Observation of overlapping spin-1 and spin-3
states at $m(\overline{D}^0K^-) \sim 2.86$ GeV/$c^2$
Aan: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)"
Dear Colleagues,
A paper is available for your comments:
Title :
Observation of overlapping spin-1 and spin-3 states at
$m(\overline{D}^0K^-) \sim 2.86$ GeV/$c^2$
Journal : PRL
Contact authors : Daniel Craik, Mark Whitehead, Tim Gershon
Reviewers : Tomasz Skwarnicki (chair),
Fernando Martinez Vidal
EB reviewer : Wouter Hulsbergen
EB readers : Claudia Patrignani, Ronan McNulty
Analysis note : ANA-2013-022
Deadline : 08-Jul-2014
e-group : lhcb-paper-2014-035-reviewers
Link :
Authors : LHCb
Twiki :
The following institutes are requested to make institutional
LAPP, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
Tsinghua University, China
PNPI, Gatchina, Russia
Bristol, United Kingdom
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
NIKHEF, Netherlands
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the
of the contact authors to provide replies on all comments
made. Subsequent modification to the publication are made in
consultation with the reviewers and during the EB reading.
this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board with
contact authors and reviewers present where final decisions are
made. As the last step a short presentation is given to the
collaboration and the paper is sent for publication.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.
Rolf Oldeman
----- Einde doorgestuurd bericht -----
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Patrick Koppenburg LHCb Physics Coordinator
Nikhef, Amsterdam & CERN