Dear friends,
As I get frequently questions related to the whereabouts of group members, I thought it would be useful to collect this information in a non-public google calendar. The way it works is that I create a google calendar and share it with the bfys group members. Each person can then make his or her own entries in the calendar, eg. in my case: 10/9-12/9: "Marcel in Krakow".
If you are willing to participate to this calendar please send me your google account such that I can edit the access rights and send you the invitation. To be clear: the calendar will NOT be publicly visible, only for group members.
Currently, there is already a public "Nikhef Bfys" calendar that contains events relevant to our group. We can eventually merge these two calendars. (In that case the Nikhef Bfys one is no longer a public calendar.)
So, please send me your google account if you agree to join the calendar.
best regards, - Marcel