Abstract: - "taking into account the systematic" -> "including systematic". [It read as if only stystematic errors are considered.] L.3-4: - Replace "The properties of the B+c meson are of special interest, as it is the only meson consisting of two heavy quarks of different flavours and ... hadron having only ... decay or annihilation allowed" by "The B+c meson is the only meson consisting of two heavy quarks of different flavours. It is also the heaviest hadron with only weak decay modes. Therefore, it properties are of special interest." [The sentence is too long. The "hadron having only decay modes" is ugly. Mentioning c or bbar quark is less general than "heavy quarks". And the extension "or annihilation allowed" is incomprehensible.] L.10-12: - Replace "Measuring ... therefore allows ... to be tested" by "The measurement ... allows to test ...". [Avoid "-ing" at the start of a sentence. "Therefore" is superfluous.] L.14: - Replace "are in the range 0.47-0.49 [14], including form factor ..." by are available of 0.47 and 0.49 [14] that include form factor ...". [Just two values that happen to be close together are not necessary a range of values.] L. 12-16: - "The ratio of branching fractions ... in this paper" and "In this article ... the ratio of branching fractions" are a superfluous repetition. Try to rephrase the first sentence without reference to "in this paper", but with what is in their papers. L.17: - Add "8 TeV". L.21: - The second comma is missing. L.36, 58: - Replace "greater" by "larger" [Prefer larger for a numerical comparison.] L.47: - Replace "The predictions are comparable and those from Ref. [16] ..." by "The model predictions for the branching fration ratios are very similar and the model from Ref. [16] ...". [It is not clear what predictions are compared and what is used in simulation.] L.56: - Add "likelihood" before "logarithms". L.65: - Replace "having" by "that have" and "originating" by "that originate". [Constructions with "-ing" are usually not needed.] L.89: Replace "edge" by "limit". L.90: - What are "low quality reconstructed candidates"? Why only remove them when ct > 7 tau? L.184: - Replace "The final source ..." by "The last source ...".