Dear Tjeerd,
I send my apologies for the Bfys meeting which unfortunately
clashes with analysis week.
I have an issue with Fig 1a. I find the fit very poor, which may
be due to a wrong model. If you look between 5.55 and 5.6 GeV, the
data undershoots the fit. I am also missing a partially
reconstructed background from B(s)->J/psi eta X (where X could
be a K0) below 5.2 GeV. Including this could make the uncertain B
peak much larger. I see no mention of partially reconstructed
backgrounds in the systematic section (the ana note is also
quiet). But since the Bd->J/psieta BF is known, why not fix it
in the fit?
Similarly in Fig 3 they include the J/psiK* reflection, but ignore
partial backgrounds from B+->J/psiK2pi, Bs->J/psiPhipipi...
and where does the very narrow shape of the K* come from?
Line 22: or a pipi system
Line 70-71: the ) should go before tails, but I think quantum em
can be removed.
Line 83: "As previously mentioned, the" : remove
Line 88: I find decay times in mum puzzling. What about "the decay
time of the... excess of 150 mum/c."? (tau is not needed)
Line 130: _a_ partial
Line 152: simulation -> simulated data
Line 165: a B0 signal
Line 169: nominal value [19]
Line 196: which acceptance? Time? Geometry?
Line 213+ : Is it obvious that
arXiv:1204.1735 (hep-ph)
has no effect on the two Bs ratios?
On 01/25/2013 03:05 PM, Tjeerd Ketel wrote: