Looks beautiful Siim.Only two remaining comments on visibility.In a few places your font size is still a bit small (e.g. the references you give will be invisible).Was it intended like that?On page 6 the plot is easily readable, but on page 29 and 30 your message about the lower limit can not been seen. For that it is too small I think.Good luck Monday, I am looking forward.- MarcelOn 13 December 2013 22:13, Siim Tolk <siimt@nikhef.nl> wrote:
Hello all,I updated my slides as well. Thank you all for your comments, and do nothesitate to tell me what you think. It's all helpful.I still need to add a few lines to the second slide and I might vary littlethings during practicing in the weekend.Cheers,Siim.On Dec 13, 2013, at 5:13 PM, Maurizio Martinelli wrote:Dear everybody,_______________________________________________I have updated a new version of the talk with all the suggestions I received during the meeting and offline.There are just a few comments: slide 3 picture on the left, I still need to highlight the decay.slide 15, we still need to produce a decent event display of our best candidate, if not found, the slide will be dropped.Thank you very much for your input.Cheers,Maurizio
On Dec 13, 2013, at 2:41 PM, Tjeerd Ketel <tjeerd@nikhef.nl> wrote:Dear all,
I would like to thank all speakers for their rehearsals
and apologize for the short discussion time on 6 December.
We decided to update the slides at Indico after the comments
were integrated, but I do not know if that is done.
Speakers, can you indicate behind the title of your contribution
on the Bfys meeting of your rehearsal, when you updated
your slides by adding: (13 Dec, updated slides)
Best regards,
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----------------------------Siim TolkPhD sudentNikhef, LHCb, CERN----------------------------
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