============================================================ Summary of the Wednesday 20 April 2011 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Gerhard Raven, Wouter Hulsbergen, Daan van Eijk, Alexandr Koszlinkiy, Kristof de Bruyn, Jeroen van Leerdam, Chiara Farinelli, Serena Oggero, Marcel Merk, Thomas Bauer, Tjeerd Ketel. Connected via EVO: Veerle Heijne, Roel Aaij.
News (Marcel): - Beauty 2011 was a big success. - Tom Blake will start as postdoc after summer. Rob Lambert will start as postdoc in October. Manuel Schiller still has to decide when to start as a postdoc. Maurizio Martinelli will start as postdoc on 15 July. - Rose Koopman will start as a new OIO on 15 May with Niels. Pieter David will start as a new OIO on 1 September with Wouter. Siim Tolk start as a new OIO with Antonio. Suvaya Ali start as a new OIO om 15 July. - Els Koffeman will join LHCb Upgrade for 50 % of her time. - Nikhef contributions to the LHCb upgrade will be formalized the coming months.
J/Psi phi draft: Wouter explained the analysis. There was a lot of discussion. At the end comments on the draft were collected. Below I add the comments that I submitted Wednesday evening.
Best regards, Tjeerd ============================================================
Comments to the conference note on 'Tagged time-dependent angular analysis of B0s->J/Psi phi decays with the 2010 LHCb data'.
We discussed this draft in our group at Nikhef and we liked the analysis very much. We add comments about the draft in the attachment.
Best regards, Tjeerd Ketel
================================================================= Abstract: Replace 'Projecting ... we find ... at 68% CL.' by 'We derive a region for phi_s at 68 % CL of ..'
Both the 'projection' and the 'frequentist's p-value' are too much a technical elaboration to have them in the abstract.
Also 'Projecting' is not the correct description. 'The marginal distribution' or 'the partial integrated distribution' are good alternatives. This also applies to lines 195 and 204.
Line 5: Write 'B-mesons and anti-B-mesons'.
Line 8: Replace 'gives ...' by 'was performed by Ref. [1] with ...'
It should be clear that the result is a value from a reference.
Line 38: Replace 'In the long term ... is also ...' by 'In the future ... will be ...'.
Line 45: Remove 'Understanding of the acceptance ... phi_s' or change it.
In section 2.5 the statement is that the measurement is insensitive to the acceptance. This situation makes line 45 true, but irrelevant.
line 44-49: Remove 'With current ... under control' or change it.
This is a very weak statement. One might start to doubt that the systematics are 'under control'.
Line 57: Add '(see Fig. 1)'
In this figure the three angles are defined.
Print 'Omega' bold.
Omega is a vector of three variables and not the space angle.
Line 65: Change to 'proper lifetime' or 'proper decay time'.
Time is not specified.
Line 98: Give the definitions of A_i and delta_i.
Change this list into an equation array with Equation number, or into a table with a Table number and a caption.
This also applies to lines 110 and 140.
Eq. (11): Replace 'p_0' by 'p_0 + <eta>', or make a similar change.
Now p_0 is an offset parameter that is expected be zero, as p_1 is a multiplication factor that is expected to be unity. With this change, line 112 becomes correct.
line 110 Remove 'rho(p_0,p_1)'.
Rho is not discussed.
line 127: Add to 'Bbar0s' 'that may be as large as 8 %.'. Or explain why 8 % is chosen. Or remove 8 %.
The value of 8 % is not motivated.
Fig.2 caption: Replace 'Fitted curves ... of proper time ... candidates.' by 'Background contribution in B0s->J/Psi phi events as a function of proper decay time and the fitted curve using the sPlot method [20].'
First mention the points and the axes and then the curve. Specify 'time'. The range is obvious. The meaning of candidates is not clear. 'the background sPlot of proper time' is not clear.
Replace 'sPlot of per-event time errors for signal (triangles) and background (full circles) for B0s->J/Psi phi events' by 'Per-event proper time error distribution for signal event (red triangles) and background events (black circles) of B0s->J/Psi phi'.
The meaning of 'sPlot ... errors' is not clear. Also the triangles are full, but they are red, different from the circles.
Line 105: Add the parametrization and the fitted parameters.
'Empirical' alone is vague. The chosen parametrization may be useful.
Line 170: Give information on the resolution and the acceptance or change the title of section 2.5.
Only the effect of the resolution and the acceptance is discussed. Why not 'decay angle distributions in the transversity frame'. What are 'angular amplitudes'?
Line 183: Change '... change ... only very little' by 'have an insignificant effect on ...'
Line 244: Add 'NIM A555 (2005) 356-369'. Change '04020834' to '0402083'. =========================================================