Stupid me. I forgot to include Patrick’s and Tjeerd’s comments, initially. I just added them to the Nikhef comments on CDS.
Cheers Jeroen
On 27 Jun, 2014, at 12:11 pm, Tjeerd Ketel wrote:
Dear Jeroen,
Thanks for collecting the comments for this paper.
I add my remaining minor comments.
Line 8: Add "invariant mass" to "composition".
Line 10: Replace " K1 meson was found to be a prominant contribution" by " K1 meson was found to give a prominant contribution".
Line 17: Replace "which are FCNCs with a real rather than virtual photon" by "which are due to FCNCs with a real photon".
Figure 1:
- Make the step in the background (not in the signal) more visible
by replacing the grey shading by white with a line above it.
- Replace "candidates in bins of q2" by
"candidates in different intervals of q2". (The spectra are presented in bins of m).
Figure 2: Add "candidates" before ", respectively".
Figure 3: Replace badly visible shaded grey regions by dotted vertical lines that limit the charmonium regions.
Line 251: Replace it by "In Fig. 3 and Table 1 the differential branching fraction dB()/dq2 is presented in different q2 intervals for the decay B+->K+pi+pi-mu+mu-" and move it to be the last sentence. (The sentences 246, 248 and 252 are about q2 integrated results.)