Dear Steve, It is a pleasure to see you stand firm to defend the text where you think it is OK and change it only in a way you consider best. I keep bothering you with a few remarks. Best regards, Tjeerd =================================================================== Title: Leave only "decays" plural, the other words "singular". SB: Title is already reworded to "First observations of the decays $\bstodskpipi$ and $\btodskpipi$" TK: "First observation of the decays" would be better. =================================================================== Give a correct value for "high". Introduce the variable pT here. SB: Exact values will not be very meaningful to anyone outside LHCb, so I don't want to bother the reader with such information. TK: Nevertheless you give 20 mu. Which is a value that is only valid for a certain pT. =================================================================== Line 92: What do you mean with vertex constraint? PV? You should cite DecayTreeFitter here, if that's what you use. SB: Happy to, if there a published reference? This is highly irregular in terms of LHCb publications. TK: Maybe Patrick can help you with a reference. =================================================================== Line 118-120: This sentence is not well understood. SB: This has been reworded in the new version based on other comments... It now reads: "A common, freely varying scale factor multiplies the width parameters in the CB and Gaussian functions to account for slightly worse resolution in data than simulation." TK: Add "in" before simulation as well. =================================================================== Figures 4, 5, and 6: - Add "LHCb preliminary" in the plots. SB: As this is going directly to paper, I see no need. TK: "Preliminary" is my mistake, made after reviewing a CONF note. The original comment was: add "LHCb". =================================================================== Line 200: Remove "therefore". SB: I think it sounds awkward without it, I leave it as is. TK: "Therefore" seems to refer to the unclear conclusion about the variation of the background shape, not to the value of 6.6 defined in the sentence before that. =================================================================== Lines 311 and 315: Refs [3] and [4] have too large spacing after the title. SB: I don't control the spacing. This is generated by the standard LHCb.bst. TK: Maybe Patrick knows the solution to this. ===================================================================