Dear Maarten,

Here are my comments on the RK* note:

l. 46) Could you add that lepton universality holds to 0.1%, as BF( J/psi -> e+e-) / BF( J/psi ->mu+mu-) = 1.0016+-0.0031 ?

Table 1: the theoretical uncertainties and their central values vary quite a bit, but in the conclusion only the predictions from [19-21] are used for comparison. Would it not be better to take an average with the uncertainty given by the average absolute deviation? This gives me r_low_q^2 = 0.9189 +- 0.0191, r_mid_q^2 = 0.9977 +- 0.0015.

l. 109) bremsstrahlung radiation -> bremsstrahlung

l. 139) channels channels -> channels

l. 215) Are these background samples based on data candidates?

l. 246) viceversa -> vice versa

l. 296) Should the Bs mean value not be given by the Bd mean shifted by the PDG mass difference? Otherwise the ~5 MeV shift upwards of the Bd and Bs means is not taken into account for the Bs.

l. 362) Have you performed any checks to test this?

Table 4: the fit uncertainty seems to be not included in the total systematic. Does this mean the plots and significance estimates also did not include the systematic uncertainty for the fit?

l. 413) Is there a place in the note were I can read from a plot or can I compute by hand a rough estimate of the significance? Given the numbers in the note I would estimate a significance of 3.05 (3.12) sigma for the low (mid) q^2 bin, while we get 2.7 (3.1).

l. 420) Could you give a bit of information on which systematics are included in the R_Jpsi ratio, and how much they contribute?



Op 12/03/17 om 17:03 schreef Patrick Koppenburg:

Hi again,

Maarten kindly agreed to collect comments. Please send them by Thursday.



On 12/03/17 14:16, Patrick Koppenburg wrote:
Hi all,

We've been lucky. The CONF note about K*ll is assigned to us. It's likely to be the most discussed result of the year. Please read asap as the deadline is quite close. I'll make sure we have a volunteer to gather comments.



Patrick Koppenburg, Nikhef

-------- Message original --------
Objet : Conference report circulation: CONF-2017-003, Lepton universality test with $B^0\to K^{*0} \ell^+ \ell^-$ decays
De : Michael Schmelling
À : LHCb General mailing list
Cc :

Dear colleagues,

A conference report is available for your comments:

Title: Lepton universality test with $B^0\to K^{*0} \ell^+ \ell^-$ decays

Contact authors: Simone_Bifani, Francesco_Polci, Marie-Helene_Schune
Reviewers: Vladimir_Gligorov (chair), Rafael_Silva_Coutinho, Franco_Bedeschi (EB)
Analysis note: ANA-2015-016
Deadline: 17-Mar-2017
e-group: lhcb-conf-2017-003-reviewers

Institutes requested to submit comments on the report:

After the deadline, the reviewers are charged with approving the report
for public release, once they are satisfied that all comments have been
taken into account. You can find all reports open for comments via the
EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.

Best regards,

Michael Schmelling, MPI for Nuclear Physics
Phone:+49-6221-516-511 Fax:+49-6221-516-603

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 Patrick Koppenburg                                   Nikhef, Amsterdam

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