Dear all,
As you might have seen, the google calendar "Bfys Agenda" is now online and you are invited to use it by making your entries. I have kept the already existing calendar "Nikhef Bfys" seperate. For those who did not know it, that one is a *public* calendar where I put in entries of events/meetings etc. that are relevant to our group and are not on the usual LHCb meetings indico calendar (e.g. bfys meetings, colloquia, graduations, the "haringfeest" or Xmas party at Nikhef etc). This one is maintained by me and can also be seen via the Nikhef LHCb Twiki
Please let me know if you have any question, cheers, - marcel
On 12 July 2012 14:46, Marcel Merk wrote:
Dear friends,
As I get frequently questions related to the whereabouts of group members, I thought it would be useful to collect this information in a non-public google calendar. The way it works is that I create a google calendar and share it with the bfys group members. Each person can then make his or her own entries in the calendar, eg. in my case: 10/9-12/9: "Marcel in Krakow".
If you are willing to participate to this calendar please send me your google account such that I can edit the access rights and send you the invitation. To be clear: the calendar will NOT be publicly visible, only for group members.
Currently, there is already a public "Nikhef Bfys" calendar that contains events relevant to our group. We can eventually merge these two calendars. (In that case the Nikhef Bfys one is no longer a public calendar.)
So, please send me your google account if you agree to join the calendar.
best regards,
- Marcel