Hi Jeroen,
I just had a quick look at the paper. Below are my comments.
Cheers, Niels
Abstract -------- * [I strongly suggest to also mention the 5840 and 5960 resonances in the abstract, as they are discussed so prominently in the paper.] * "prominent in the high transverse momentum region" [of what? The bachelor pion I suppose? Would it need specification?]
1 Intro ------- L.7 "the total angular momentum of the light quark" [Isn't that the same as the spin of the light quark? How could a single quark have any other angular momentum?]
L.25 "Since the B* decays " -> "Since the B* meson decays "
L.33 [I appreciate the explanation of the nomenclature in L.11-14, but here you introduce a primed B'. Could you add that in the explanation?]
Fig.1 [I'd make the y-axis title smaller.]
3 Selection ------------ L.123 [Is the background from Bc decay negligible? If so, you could consider a sentence like:] "The background from $B_c^+$ mesons is negligible, due to the small production rate of $B_c^+$ mesons, and the fact that the decay $B_c^+\to B^0 \pi^+$ is Cabibbo suppressed \cite{LHCb-PAPER-2013-044}."
4 Fit model ------------ L.200 [What is l ? Perhaps it could be defined in L.6-L.12 ?]
5 Results --------- L.233 [What is ment with "alternative hyopotheses" ? Perhaps the explanation could be repeated then in the caption of Tab.3]
Tab.3 [The caption does not match the Table: the top quadruplet does not only contain 5840.]
Tab.3 [Do you understand why the width of the 5840 is incompatible between the B+pi- and B0pi+ final states?]
7 Interpretation ------------------ L.305+ [The ratio should be formatted bigger.]
On Thu, 8 Jan 2015, Jeroen Van Tilburg wrote:
Dear all,
As a reminder, the deadline is tomorrow. Did anyone read the paper already?
Cheers Jeroen
On 17 Dec, 2014, at 15:22 pm, Tjeerd Ketel tjeerd@nikhef.nl wrote:
Dear all,
We have a paper to be reviewed by Nikhef. Unless somebody volunteers for this Friday morning, I propose to collect comments until Wednesday 7 January, combine them and circulate them before submission on Friday 9 January.
Best regards, Tjeerd
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 20:49:34 +0000 From: Rolf Oldeman rudolf.oldeman@cern.ch To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)" lhcb-general@cern.ch Subject: First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2014-067, Precise measurements of the properties of the $B_1(5721)^{0, +}$ and $B^\ast_2(5747)^{0, +}$ states and observation of structure at higher invariant mass in the $B^+\pi^-$ and $B^0\pi^+$ spectra
Dear Colleagues,
A paper is available for your comments:
Title : Precise measurements of the properties of the $B_1(5721)^{0,+}$ and $B^\ast_2(5747)^{0,+}$ states and observation of structure at higher invariant mass in the $B^+\pi^-$ and $B^0\pi^+$ spectra
Journal : JHEP Contact authors : Vladimir Gligorov, Marco Pappagallo Reviewers : Michael Schmelling (chair), Wenbin Qian EB reviewer : Nicola Serra EB readers : George Lafferty, Justine Serrano Analysis note : ANA-2012-121 Deadline : 09-Jan-2015 e-group : lhcb-paper-2014-067-reviewers Link : https://cds.cern.ch/record/1977390 Authors : LHCb Twiki : https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/LHCbPhysics/Bs0ststSpectroscopy
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments: KINR, Kyiv, Ukraine Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy Liverpool, United Kingdom Bologna, Italy EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland NIKHEF, Netherlands
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility of the contact authors to provide replies on all comments made. Subsequent modification to the publication are made in consultation with the reviewers and during the EB reading. Following this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board with contact authors and reviewers present where final decisions are made. As the last step a short presentation is given to the collaboration and the paper is sent for publication.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.
http://lhcb.web.cern.ch/lhcb/lhcb_page/collaboration/organization/editorial_... rd/default.html
Regards, Rolf Oldeman
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