Dear authors, We had our group meeting at Nikhef about this nice paper and we collected our comments and suggestions which we add in the attachment. Tjeerd Ketel General: The "introduction" section is rather long. It can be shortened, as it contains substantial information of the detector, trigger and simulations, which should be moved to the "data sample and event selection" section. The requirements in trigger and further data selection should be put together without mentioning those that will be superseded by a later selection. The selections on pT for instance should be found at only one place and not spread over different places. Nowhere is mentioned that B+->K0pi+ also stands for its charge conjugated (even CP conjugated) counter part. Lines 112-115 do hint to it, but not so prominent. Title: We present only a "branching fraction ratio" and not "branching fraction measurements". If "ratio" were to be added, also the order of KSpi+ and KSK+ should be reversed. Abstract: "A search for ... is also performed using a subsample ... resulting in ..." could be replaced by "A subsample ... is searched for ... and results in ...". Line 2: Replace "an interesting laboratory" by "a laboratory" or "a tool". Line 10: Remove "More precise measurements ... of these decays ... pi K puzzle". It seems that "these decays" refer to other decays than of those in our paper; maybe I am wrong. A "discussion" section is not included, but the "results and summary" section does not come back on the K pi puzzle. It does not become clear how our B+ decays will shed light on the puzzle. Line 11-15: This is not a new paragraph as it continues the discussion on the combination of different measurements started in the previous paragraph. Line 15-16: The decays in Ref.[10] are B0 decays and not B+ decays. Is this then relevant for our paper? Line 17-19: Why "naive averages"? Cannot we trust them? In the analysis paper we quote the number of selected events: 3229 K0pi+ from Belle. This number is larger than our 1804 fitted events. Also the uncertainty of ACP(K0pi+) of Belle is smaller than ours. Should we not discuss why we are so inefficient on these decays, while for charged 2-hadron decays we have at least a factor of 10 more events than Belle? Line 48-51: Move "At least ... without the considered track" to line 64-65 where the selection is refined. We can use the definition if Chi^2_IP in those lines. Line 53: Please, define "fully simulated" which is used in several following places as "full simulations". Or remove "fully" and "full". Line 60-62: Move "This analysis is based on ... 8 TeV" to line 23 and make sure that the subsample of 1 fb^-1 is related to the 7 TeV part. Line 70, 76 and 79: Remove "signal". The requirements apply to what is later called both signal and background. Line 75: Replace "Tracks that are consistent with leaving hits in the muon detectors are also dropped from consideration" by "Tracks that seem to pass through the calorimeter by the presence of hits near their extrapolations in the muon detector may correspond to leptonic decays and are, therefore, not selected." Line 77-78: Replace "Tracks lying in a fiducial volume with large detection asymmetries are vetoed in the analysis" by "Only tracks inside a fiducial eta-phy region with small detection asymmetries for B+ and B- are accepted". The fiducial volume is usually the one you trust most. A volume or region has to be defined by its coordinates. A clarification of the detection asymmetry, which otherwise has to wait to line 155, does help here. It would be good to exchange this line with the first line of the next paragraph, as the pT requirements continue. Better would be to move both lines to line 64-65, where the pT selection is discussed. Line 79: The "scalar pT sum" can be avoided by requiring that "in addition to the individual pT requirements the sum of the absolute values of pT should be larger than 4 GeV/c". Line 81: Replace "greater" by "larger". Line 85: Replace "Pairs ... are reduced by ..." by "Pairs ... are shown in simulations to be suppressed by ...". Only the number of pairs can be reduced. It is instructive to indicate how obtained this knowledge. Line 90: Add to "background" "by using variables mentioned above and a few which are introduced below". Line 95: The specification "in a cone defined by a circle of radius 1 rad in the pseudorapidity-azimuthal angle plane" should start with "for tracks ...". Still it does not make sense. Please, rephrase this sentence. Pseudorapidity should have nothing to do with it. I can imagine a cone in space with an opening angle theta of 1 rad, but not with a circle of radius 1 rad. Is the pT in the equation for ApT also a scalar sum? In that case Sum pT could also be used in line 79. Line 137: The long subscripts for "in ratio of efficiencies r_{B+->KSK+ as KSpi+}" can be replaced by "in ratio of B+->KSpi+(K+) efficiencies r_{KmisID}" followed by the ratio with "pimisID". Line 248: Replace "This is the first search and upper limit on a charmless and bottomless Bc+ meson decay" by "This is the first upper limit on a Bc+ meson decay into 2 light quarks." A search is not very serious if not even an upper limit can be reported. "Charmless and bottomless" is clumsy and difficult to combine. The second best could be "heavy-quark-less". Line 263,264: Replace "searches for other charmless decay modes, such as B+c->Kbar*K+ and B+c->phiK+, may reach the level of sensitivity needed to observe such decays" by "other two-body B+c decay modes to light quarks as in Kbar*K+ and to phiK+ for example may be detected". Fig.2: Replace "(Right) Confidence region bands (solid line) obtained using the Feldman and Cousins [36] approach and including systematic uncertainties. The dotted and dashed lines are the central value and the statistical confidence region bands, respectively. The observed number of events and the corresponding upper limit are discribed by the gray lines" by "(Right) The number of events and the corresponding value of rB+c. The central value (dotted line) and the upper and lower statistical confidence region bounds are obtained using the Feldman and Cousins [36] approach (dashed lines). The solid lines includes systematic uncertainties. The gray outline of the box show the obtained upper limit of rB+c for the observed number of 2 events." Comments of Patrick below will be included in the same way as the other comments and sugegstions above. Hi Tjeerd, Here are my textual comments on the Ksh paper. There's one more fundamental thing: They should not assess a systematic error for the BDT selection. That's already accounted for in the statistical error unless they believe your BDT efficiency measurement is biased. In that case there are better methods to obtain a systematic error. A BDT is nothing but a cut and they do not add systematics for all their other cuts. L.2, 164: B meson L.11: I would find Feynman diagrams helpful. L.52: b-hadron L.62: say charge conjugation is implied. L.81: Why must the B be displaced from "the PV" by 1mm and its vertex be "well separated" from all PVs? Try to rewrite that in a sensible order, starting with the Ksh vertex and then make statements about the B. L.105 N_S and N_B should be in math mode (at least the N, maybe not the B and S). L.132: MeV/c^2 L.137: These r_{B->...} are ugly and not re-used anywhere. L.141: This is surprising. We would have expected an excess of K+ over K- in background. L.157: Formally -> At first order Do you really need to spell out Eq 4 and 5 separately? And why do you merge Det+Prod in one asymmetry? It's 2 different things. L.168: You should not assess a systematic error for your BDT selection. That's already accounted for in the statistical error unless you believe your BDT efficiency measurement is biased. In that case there are better methods to obtain a systematic error. L.177: Are they in reasonable agreement before or after they are reweighted? Table 1: Make sure all numbers are in math mode L.212: in B->J/psiK decays. L.215-216: That sounds like only B->J/psiX decays can be used at LHCb (you could have normalised to B->D(KK)pi to take one example). Remove that sentence and say what you do rather than what you do not do. We suggest you rewrite the paragraph saying you normalise to KsK to J/psiK and then correct for the kaon asymmetry for Kspi. L.232: why only 1fb^-1? L.234-238: That's a long sentence in the wrong order. Fit describe the fit and then the FC method. L.248: B_c^+ meson L.257: remove "corresponding to data". Fig.2: increase space above caption [37] Add arxiv Cheers, Patrick