============================================================ Summary of the Friday 3 September 2010 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Marcel Merk, Tjeerd Ketel, Fabian Jansen, Tristan du Pree, Niels Tuning, Jeroen van Leerdam, Wouter Hulsbergen, Veerle Heijne, Thomas Bauer, Gerhard Raven. Connected via EVO: Alexandr Kozlinskyi, Antonio Pellegrino, Nicola Serra, Roel Aaij, Vanya Belyav, Kazu Carvalho Akiba. News by Marcel: - LHC is doing well and reaches a luminosity of 10^31 (cm^2s)^-1 with a high intensity per bunch crossing. The number of bunches will increase from 50 to 350 for the rest of this year to reach an integrated luminosity of 50 pb^-1 for this year. - Veerle Heijne starts as OIO on the vidi proposal with Wouter. - Victor Coco will start in October as post-doc on the same proposal with Wouter. - Abstracts should sent before 13 September for the FOM meeting in Veldhoven. Marcel aims at 3 contributions, which are still open. - Daniela Remenska will give a presentation on her thesis on 20 September at Nikhef. She will start as OIO with Jeff Templon on Grid software implementation in LHCb, among others. - Marcel will present the plans of the B-physics group to the Nikhef director. - Software week will be on 13-17 September at CERN. - LHCb week will be on 27 September-1 October at CERN. - Nikhef Open Day on Saturday 9 October will show an LHCb stand with help of volunteers. - Tristan du Pree will defend his thesis on 22 October 11.45 h at the Vrije Universiteit. - Topical lectures on 13-15 December will be given by Niels, Patrick, Antonio and Marieke Postma on B-physics, CP-violation, rare B-decays and related cosmology. - The Nikhef jamboree is on 16-17 December in Nijmegen. - New master students apply for a project to start in September. Please, confirm or add to the preliminary list of Marcel: - B->hh, time dependent (Wouter), - Excited charmonium states X,Y,Z (Gerhard). - Charm analysis (Thomas), - Aging studies (Niels), - Testbeam studies (Martin), - Other? Inform Marcel. - Make the proper bookings when using the LHCb cars. - Watch for the email about the annual exchange of the film in your film badge, among the monthly reminder to read it out (Antonio). If you miss it, you will have problems to keep your film badge. Short announcements by the groups. - OT. During a threshold scan no effect of radiation damage has yet been observed in the OT modules. - VELO. Dedicated VELO shift are coming to an end when the automated closing procedure and alarms can be transferred to the LHCb shift. Ice and water at the CO2 transfer lines have been found. The problem is studied and intervention is probably be needed in January. - PILE-UP. One of the 4 modules cannot be switched on. This limits the use of the detector as a luminosity monitor. - Alignment. New VELO alignment with interaction data shows a difference for the z positions in the survey data of one detector half. Spectrometer alignment with J/Psi decays improves the high momenta tracks, but does worse on the low momenta. - J/Psi phi. Doing well. - Ds pi. Still low statistics. - Bs mumu. - - K*mumu. For the moment work with J/Psi K*. Discussion on the draft for a conference paper: Prompt charm production in pp collisions at s^1/2 = 7 TeV. The presentation of Alexandr about the Prompt charm production cross section. can be found on the Nikhef Calendar page, together with comments by Marcel as Charm Referee for the CKM conference contribution. The comments about the conference paper are summarized by Thomas in the second attachment. On the idea of having discussions about the first publications the suggestion was given to collect the comments in advance and evaluate during the discussion if we want to post them as Nikhef comments. Tjeerd Ketel ============================================================