============================================================ Summary of the Friday 4 May 2010 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Eddy Jans, Erwin Visser, Leo Wiggers, Robert Fleischer, Marcel Merk, Tjeerd Ketel, Fabian Jansen, Tristan du Pree, Roel Aaij, Maartje Jacobs, Jan Amoraal, Rob Knegjens. Connected via EVO: Niels Tuning, Patrick Kloppenburg
News by Marcel: - New bachelor student Maartje Jacobs joined the group to analyse two-body decays from an LHCb data ntuple. Tjeerd is her supervisor. - The Nikhef B-physics workshop will be in Oldenzaal, 14-16 June. - The LHCb week in St. Petersburg will be attended by Vanya Belyaev and Patick Kloppenburg. - Patrick will become Operations coordinator and Martin will become deputy VELO coordinator. - LHC is filling bunches with 10**11 protons and focus them at 3.5 TeV to squeeze length of 2 m. The intention is to increase the number of bunches (now 13) to 2800. - Last two days the tracking workshop at CERN concluded that the tracking is in good shape. - The necessity of specific VELO shifts will be reconsidered for the period starting in July. - There are more Nikhef openings for the ICHEP conference.
Kim Vervink and Robert Lambert presented at CERN D0 results and what LHCb can do to measure the parameter a_sf.
Afterwards the discussion was continued at Nikhef in a separate EVO session.
Tjeerd Ketel ============================================================