Dear authors, First we would like to congratulate you with this fine work. Please find our comments below. On behalve of the Nikhef group, Hella Snoek ____________________________________ General comments ____________________________________ > Introduction/Conclusions: - You write the this paper brings the first experimental evidence of Zc while the rest of the introduction and the conclusion is in fact about a first measurement of a cross section in the forward region. What is more important? Please check that the conclusion section 'answers' the information in the introduction. - There is also some information in the introduction that is just repeated later. Especially the last paragraph can maybe be skipped. > Pile up contribution: We have a concern about the DTF chi2 that you use to estimate the background and the systematic uncertainty due to pile-up. If we understand correctly you add the chi2s of the D and Z vertex fits, obtained in a single DTF. The defined chi2 is not proper as the two are in fact correlated. The only proper way to this with DTF is to create an intermediate 'mother' particle for the Z0 and D. The vertex chi2 of this mother particle tells you something about whether the Z0 and D come from the same vertex. Once you add a PV constraint to this mother particle, the chi2 also tells you something about the consistency with a PV. (I do wonder if you really want to require a PV if you actually do not need it.) > Condensed: The paper is quite short and there are some reference to the previous papers (p.e. for the efficiency calculation). Instead, is it not possible to summarize the method in a sentence and refer to the papers for more details? > Supplementary material I hope this will stay in the CDS version even after the review. About Fig.3: have you searched for Ds and Lc and failed to find them, or is that just a placeholder for future searches? _____________________________________ Other comments _____________________________________ Abstract: - open charm -> charmed - ". This corresponds to a" -> ", with" (The events do not correspond to anything if you do not give the expected background). - Replace "4.5" by "4.6" consistent with line 128. - Replace "fiducial volume" by "kinematic acceptance" (It is a volume nor a plane.) - Preference "The measured cross-sections are" over "The cross-sections are measured to be". Main text: L2: Footnote 1: That doesn't mean anything without the mass window. Move this comment closer to the 60 "the Z boson is" L83: "feed down of charmed mesons" should be "feed down to charmed mesons" or "feed down from beauty mesons" L84: "B->D" -> "b->c" L90: "Since the contribution" -> "Since the relative contribution" L94: Do you correct for the 1.7 (1.3)% feed down? Is this a part of the purity. If not the systematic should be much larger. L105: from Ref. [1] L113: Usually one writes 95.3\pm3.8\% (pedantic people would then put parentheses) L113: It is not exactly clear from the text how you reach the 95.3% purity level. What do you add to the 2.8% bkg? Fig.1: Axis labels are too small and lack units L118: why "Refs [2,4,5] and [1]"? Refs[1-2,4-5]. Could you maybe just summarize the method and refer to the older papers for more details? L134: Same comment as before: Could you maybe just summarize the method and refer to the older papers for more details? Table 2: "associative" -> "associate" L149-155: - I suggest to replace "Results" by "Results and discussion". - Replace "The cross-sections ... presented in Table 2" by "The measured cross-sections together with three theoretical predictions are presented in Table 2" (The equations with the results are also given in the conclusionsand the selected kinematic acceptance is already decribed in lines 24-28 L174-175: Replace "events in total with ... observed" by "events observed with ... decay". L178-181: - Replace "The results ... will be possible" by "The considered theoretical predictions are all in agreement with our results. With more statistics in the coming analysis of our 8 TeV data we may also be able to discriminate between SPS and DPS-based predictions." (There is also quantative agreement. What do we mean with "more data"? - If the 8 TeV results will be exactly the DPS values with half our present statistical uncertainty, then we will discriminate.) - The conclusion section does not answer the introduction. How would you distinguish the SPS from the DPS? Shouldn't both processes be existent at the same time?