Summary of the Friday 9 April 2010 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Leo, Martin, Marcel, Tjeerd and Tristan. Connected via EVO: Antonio, Barbara, Daan, Eddy, Kazu, Niels, and maybe other listeners.
HLT Gerhard showed a number of online plots of trigger ingredients: reconstructed K0,Lambda and J/Psi masses. The latter seems to be less precise than the off-line reconstructed mass. Until now all events are taken. With higher luminosity these online reconstructions will be crucial for the trigger. PU Martin showed results for the pile-up system (see Nikhef indico page). VELO Martin also showed the VELO plots (Nikhef indico). OT Daan showed the OT plots with input from Alexandr, Barbara, and Nicola (Nikhef indico). REC Wouter could not make it in time. Monitor plots are at Nikhef indico.
All detectors and software work well. Marcel announces a three days workshop in June. Please, fill in de doodle:
Tjeerd Ketel ============================================================