General ------- * We miss a statement in the paper on the agreement between CMS and LHCb. We don't need an exact number, but perhaps a sentence like this around L.234? "The results for he CMS and LHCb experiments separate are very consistent with each other, both for BR(B0) and for BR(B0s)." * The use of "bbar-antiquark" is not consistent; sometimes "bbar-antiquark" is used. We would prefer "bbar-antiquark". (See L.49, L.284, L.28) * The use of "fs/fd" inline is a bit dense, and fs,fd become a bit too small. (See L.143, L.159, L.503, L.559, ...) * Q: (L.244) What do you mean with "inferences" ? Details ------- L.131 "dangerous background sources" -> "peaking background sources" L.151 [how does 'slightly' compare with 'somewhat' ? Propose a rewrite:] "with slightly different mass and somewhat different lifetime" -> "with slightly different mass and lifetime" L.161 "to the whether" -> "to whether" L.174 [would read beter in brackets?] "signal, assuming SM rate, and" -> "signal (assuming the SM rate) and" L.178 "components and combined is overlaid." -> "components, and all components combined, is overlaid." L.196 "measurement at 1.2 sigma (2.2 sigma) level." -> "measurement at the 1.2 sigma (2.2 sigma) level." L.208 [It is confusing to what you mean with "difference", as you refer to the ratio. This might help:] "SM, but the difference is not" -> "SM, but this difference is not" L.229 "of about 10 that" -> "of about 10 variables that" L.236 [Capitalize 'extended methods' for consistency?] L.237 "; LHCb used" -> ", whereas LHCb used" L.252,284 "Collaboration" -> "collaboration" L.397,L.429 mr -> mrad L.446,448 [twice "very similar"; avoid one of the two.] L.456 "for the LHC Run 1." -> "for the LHC Run 1 from 2010 to 2012." L.479 "can appear in close" -> "can appear close" L.480 "muon and combined" -> "muon, and combined" L.492 [unclear if detected or produced:] "numbers of Bs0 and B0" -> "numbers of produced Bs0 and B0" L.521 "References" -> "Refs." L.525 "instead of taken" -> "rather than taken" L.526 "analysis: the" -> "analysis. The" L.538 [skip?: ] "in particular" L.539 "results" -> "measurements" L.541 [skip:] "in order" L.569 "too computationally" -> "computationally too"