Dear all,
I attach the Nikhef comments to LHCB-PAPER-2012-053 from the inputs of Patrick, Marcel, Krystof, myself and the discussion of last Friday.
Please, check our comments before Wednesday afternoon when I will upload them to CDS.
Best regards, Tjeerd
On Fri, 1 Feb 2013, Tjeerd Ketel wrote:
============================================================== Summary of the Bfys Meeting Friday 1 February at Nikhef ==============================================================
- Alexandr's thesis is accepted by the reading committee.
- Technological choices will be prepared for OT detector and Velo sensors.
- New FOM program funding for ALICE, LHCb and ATLAS will be requested together this year.
- Investment funding from NWO will be requested end of this year.
The LHCB-PAPER-2012-053 was discussed: "Observation of the B0s to psi(2S) eta and B0(s) to psi(2S) pi+ pi- decays" Dead line is on Thursday 7 February. Please, send your comments to me before Tuesday. I will summarize them on Tuesday and submit on Thursday.
Next meeting is on Friday 8 February with a presentation by Hiroyuki Nakayama on "Beam and background in the Belle-2 experiment".
Best regards, Tjeerd
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