Hi Tjeerd,
Here are my textual comments on the Ksh paper. There's one more fundamental thing: They should not assess a systematic error for the BDT selection. That's already accounted for in the statistical error unless they believe your BDT efficiency measurement is biased. In that case there are better methods to obtain a systematic error. A BDT is nothing but a cut and they do not add systematics for all their other cuts.
L.2, 164: B meson L.11: I would find Feynman diagrams helpful. L.52: b-hadron L.62: say charge conjugation is implied. L.81: Why must the B be displaced from "the PV" by 1mm and its vertex be "well separated" from all PVs? Try to rewrite that in a sensible order, starting with the Ksh vertex and then make statements about the B. L.105 N_S and N_B should be in math mode (at least the N, maybe not the B and S). L.132: MeV/c^2 L.137: These r_{B->...} are ugly and not re-used anywhere. L.141: This is surprising. We would have expected an excess of K+ over K- in background. L.157: Formally -> At first order Do you really need to spell out Eq 4 and 5 separately? And why do you merge Det+Prod in one asymmetry? It's 2 different things. L.168: You should not assess a systematic error for your BDT selection. That's already accounted for in the statistical error unless you believe your BDT efficiency measurement is biased. In that case there are better methods to obtain a systematic error. L.177: Are they in reasonable agreement before or after they are reweighted? Table 1: Make sure all numbers are in math mode L.212: in B->J/psiK decays. L.215-216: That sounds like only B->J/psiX decays can be used at LHCb (you could have normalised to B->D(KK)pi to take one example). Remove that sentence and say what you do rather than what you do not do. We suggest you rewrite the paragraph saying you normalise to KsK to J/psiK and then correct for the kaon asymmetry for Kspi. L.232: why only 1fb^-1? L.234-238: That's a long sentence in the wrong order. Fit describe the fit and then the FC method. L.248: B_c^+ meson L.257: remove "corresponding to data". Fig.2: increase space above caption [37] Add arxiv http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:0907.2256