Comments on LHCb-2016-053 by Tjeerd "Using" is used rather often. It would be nice to consider "by using" in a number of cases. Abstract: Replace "is" by "of" in "The measured ratio is ...". Above it "the production of X baryons in Y decays" is used to indicate f_X \times B(Y). But "the production of X baryons in Y decays is studied" can be understood as "f_X is studied by using Y decays". Remove "also" in "is also measured to be". Line 2: Replace "birth" by "beginnng". Line 3: Add "valence" in "three valence quarks". Line 4-6: Change order and modify as in: "As observed with the LHCb detector at the LHC, the distribution of the invariant mass ... shows a narrow peak that suggests ... formation amidst a background of various Lambda^* excitations of which the decay proton is combined with the J/psi." Line 18: Replace "However, this Ksi_b^- decay is not observed yet" by "This Ksi_b^- decay mode was not observed yet". Figure 1: Add the leading order diagram of Lambda_b->J/Psi p K^- decays to the figure (or modify the text in line 17). Such a figure is not available in Refs [4] and [5]. Line 21: Add "measured" and "decays" to "the production of the measured Ksi_b^- decays relative to". See the comment above about the abstract. Line 90: The argument is not clear why the fiducial cuts are 2.0