============================================================ Summary of the Friday 24 August 2012 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Thomas Bauer, Wouter Hulsbergen, Eddy Jans, Gerhard Raven, Tjeerd Ketel, Marcel Merk. Connected via EVO: Suvayu Ali, Patrick Koppenburg, Rob Lambert, Maurizio Martinelli, Manuel Schiller, and possibly others with them.
News (Marcel): - LHCb just doubled the collected integrated luminosity of the previous years. - The detector system behaves well with only one beetle failing in the VELO and one front-end without timing (until next access) in the Outer Tracker. - LHCb week in Davos (3-7 September). - European Strategy for Particle Physics Meeting in Krakow (10-12 September). - PhD defense by Barbara Storaci on 19 September 13:45 at the VU University. - Many applications for LHCb post-doc and PhD positions were received. - FOM projectruimte: Proposal of Gerhard and Robert is in the 2nd round. - Three new master students will start in September. Their projects are: Long-lived particles, B to DKs decays, and Bc decays. Gerhard and Rob will come up with some more projects. - Rob will give a presentation next week Friday on the Bfys meeting.
Discussion of "A model-independent Dalitz plot analysis of $B^\pm \to D K^\pm$, $D \to K^0_{\rm S} h^+ h^-$ ($h=\pi, K$) decays and constraints on the CKM angle $\gamma$".
Comments on this paper LHCb-PAPER-2012-027 will be distributed for corrections by TK and will be posted on Monday 27 August.
Best regards, Tjeerd ============================================================