Hi Tjeerd,
A few edits, and a edited version attached.
I think Marcel's comment which you place at item (1) is really a restatement of item (2), and so I combine (1) and (2) in the attached version.
I think you missed the point on the odd statement of certain asymmetries which are not required, and so I add another (longer) point for that.
There were also a couple of cut-and-paste errors, with a missing "not" or some such from the sentence, which I think I've corrected.
Could you take another look at the attached file?
------------------------------------------ Robert Lambert FOM-VU-NIKHEF-Bfys LHCb Email: rob.lambert@cern.ch ------------------------------------------ CERN, 13-1-018 Tel: +41 22 767 4024 Fax: +41 22 766 8109 ------------------------------------------ Nikhef N241 Tel: +31 20 592 2131 Fax: +31 20 592 5155 ------------------------------------------
________________________________________ From: Tjeerd Ketel [tjeerd@nikhef.nl] Sent: 09 September 2012 22:20 To: bfys-physics@nikhef.nl Cc: Rob Lambert Subject: Comments on LHCb-CONF-2012-028
Dear all, I collected the comments of Rob, Marcel, Krystof, Niels and myself. Please, check if I missed remarks or changed them to badly.
Monday evening they will be uploaded by me.
Best regards, Tjeerd