Abstract, Table 5 and Summary are not consistent in the notation of the three measured branching fractions. Explain also why B0s->D*\pm_s D\mp with both charge combinations and B0s->D*+_s D*-_s with only one charge combination are written. It is also not clear if in B0s->D(*)+_s D(*)-_s both D_s have to be in the same state or not and if the superscript * refers to the first excited state or to any exited state. Please, define the notations mentioned above clearly in the introduction. The title mentions one branching fraction, while we give three fractions where the second fraction is included in the third one and the first one probably not. The title could be "Measured branching fractions for the decays B0s->D\pm D\mp, B0s->D*\pm D\mp, and B0s->D*\pm D*\mp". For comparison with CDF and Belle the sum of branching fractions of B0s->D\pm D\mp and B0s->D*\pm D*\mp could be given. Line 5: Replace "(Lambda_s) is the difference (average) of the decay widths" by "and Lambda_s are the difference of the decay widths and their average, respectively". Line 6: Replace "of these quantities" by "of this quantity" (the relative decay width difference).