Hi all,

I will collect and combine the comments of the two papers.
The deadline is on Monday, so please send me your comments by tomorrow evening.


On 19 May 2016, at 13:36, Jeroen Van Tilburg <jeroen.van.tilburg@cern.ch> wrote:


I have written down some comments on the PRL paper. Mostly textual. Many points apply to the PRD paper as well. We should ask to also update the PRD paper following these comments.


- Word count is missing.
- throughout the text use smaller spacing between the numbers and the units. Like this “10\mev”.
- Tables and figures: place the figures either at the bottom or top of the page. Write all particle symbols in italics.
- Fig. 2 should be placed before Fig. 1.
- add article in title: “from an amplitude analysis”

- abstract line 1: remove J/ψ → μ+μ−, φ → K+K− here. This is not relevant for the abstract. If you insist to keep it change to "…B+ → J/ψφK+ decay, with J/ψ → μ+μ−, φ → K+K− is performed…”
- abstract line 3: write out in full $\sqrt{s}=7\tev$ and $8\tev$
- abstract line 4: Split sentence “...into $\phi\Kp$. Instead, four $\jpsi\phi$…"
- abstract line 8: “much larger than,”
- abstract: write out \sigma as “standard deviations”
- l.3: write out \sigma as “standard deviations”. Here you could define \sigma
- l.7: add comma after “states [3-9]”
- l.9: No new paragraph and remove “However”.
- l.12: add commas around “however”
- l.16: Give the reference for CMS (presumably it is the same as [22]).
- l.16: What does this mean “a mass which is higher by 3.2\sigma”? This does not tell me anything.
- l.14-19: These secondary peaks seem to have no correlation with each other; they are at different masses. So what is the use of this paragraph? Please put this paragraph in a bit of context. For instance, it would already help to add a sentence at the start of this paragraph which says something like “Additional resonance structures in the \jpsi\Pphi spectrum have also been seen, albeit at different masses."
- l.38: No new paragraph.
- l.40: The cms energies are not a range. write: "7 and 8\tev"
- l.48: Change "The non-φ B+ background” to "The non-resonant $\Bp\to\jpsi\Kp\Km\Kp$ background"
- l.54: Suggest to shorten to "where θ is the helicity angle [30–32], and ∆φ is the angle between the decay planes of the two particles"
- l.56: as -> by
- l.61: helicity angle.
- l.67: Monte Carlo events mentioned for the first time. Add the standard references.
- l.66-68: This sentence is impossible to understand. All you do is determine the normalisation per event using MC. Change this sentence into something like: “The 6D efficiency corrections are obtained from simulation [refs].” If you want you could add “...obtained on an event-by-event basis from..”.
- l.72: use long dash (minus symbol, not a hyphen) in the given range.
- l.75: use semicolon after “free"
- l.76: comma before which.
- l.77: comma before since.
- l.78: no hyphen in "S wave”
- Fig.1: It is not defined what (K*s) means. Remove it.
- l.84-86: The explanation of the quantum labels should come after the 1st reference to the figure (i.e. on l.73).
- l.87: With such a low probability it is really not important to give details on how the p-value was obtained. Shorten this to: “free parameters and the $p$-value is less than 10^{-7}$.
- l.87: $p$-value
- l.105-106: "p-value of chi2 value” is not clear; should be “p-value obtained from the chi2 value…”. Also (71.5/68 bins) is not clear or correct, since you need to subtract the number of fit parameters. Suggest to shorten to: “The $p$-value is $22\%$, where ..."
- l.110: "The systematic errors [27] sum in quadrature the observed changes in the fit results” is not proper grammar. Suggest “The systematic uncertainties [27] are obtained from the sum in quadrature of the observed changes in the fit results:
- l.117: No new paragraph.
- l.117-118: place commas around “after… the fit”
- l.119-121: the clause “with numbers of … parameters)” strikes me as details and makes the sentence way too long. Suggest to remove it.
- Fig.2: Fix the overlapping particle names (and make them italic). Light green is not well visible on screen; choose a different color. The JP numbers below the x-axis are badly aligned; it is impossible to see to which resonances they belong.
- Table 2: why abbreviate F.F.? Just call it fraction in the table (the title above already tell me that this is “Fit results”).
- Table 2, 2nd line caption: remove “given”
- Table 2: Write units between square brackets. E.g. M0 [MeV].
- Table 2: Why give the K resonance results? Most of them are no real improvement concerning the mass and width. Only K(1830), but this is something that you can mention in the text. Suggest to leave the K resonance part for PRD. 
- Table 2: write out “average”.
- l.130: hyphenate “near-threshold”
- l.138: It would be good to explicitly say that this result supersedes the previous one.
- l.139: remove “in an unpublished analysis”. This is a repetition of the introduction.
- l.144: no hypen in “phase space”
- l.148: colon after resonances
- l.160: no hyphen in “form factor”
- l.179: abbreviate to “6D”
- Fig.3: Make the legend larger (it is easy: make the marker smaller and move LHCb to the top left of the plot).
- Justification is too long (only 50 words allowed by PRL).

On 18 May, 2016, at 22:34 PM, Patrick Koppenburg <Patrick.Koppenburg@cern.ch> wrote:

Hi all,

We have two papers on the same analysis assigned to us:

Title           : Observation of exotic $J/\psi \phi$ structures from amplitude analysis of $B^+ \to J/\psi K^+$ decays

Journal         : PRL
Contact authors : Thomas_Britton, Tomasz_Skwarnicki
Reviewers       : Wenbin_Qian (chair),
EB reviewer     : Nicola_Serra
EB readers      : Brian_Meadows, Simon_Eidelman
Analysis note   : ANA-2015-042
Deadline        : 30-May-2016
e-group         : lhcb-paper-2016-018-reviewers
Link            :https://cds.cern.ch/record/2153866
Authors         : LHCb
Twiki           :https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/B2JPsiPhiK

The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:


Title           : Amplitude analysis of $B^+\to J/\psi\phi K^+$ decays

Journal         : PRD
Contact authors : Thomas_Britton, Tomasz_Skwarnicki
Reviewers       : Wenbin_Qian (chair),
EB reviewer     : Nicola_Serra
EB readers      : Brian_Meadows, Simon_Eidelman
Analysis note   : ANA-2015-042
Deadline        : 30-May-2016
e-group         : lhcb-paper-2016-019-reviewers
Link            :https://cds.cern.ch/record/2153867
Authors         : LHCb
Twiki           :https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/B2JPsiPhiK

The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments:



 Patrick Koppenburg                                   Nikhef, Amsterdam

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