============================================================== Summary of the Friday 22 November 2012 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================== - LHCB-PAPER-2012-040 was introcuced by Wouter "Amplitude analysis and the branching fraction measurement of Bbar0s to JpsiK+K-" Dead line is on Thursday 29 November. Please, send your comments to Wouter before Tuesday. He will collect and submit them.
- LHCB-PAPER-2012-045 was introduced by Niels "Analysis of the resonant components in Bbar0 -> J/psi pi+pi-" Dead line is Monday 4 December. Please, send your comments before Thursday next week to Niels.
- The presentation "Very rare decays" was rehearsed by Serena - The presentation "Measurement of the CP violating phase in Bs mixing" was rehearsed by Jeroen. Both presentations are already at a high level. The discussions was lively and several suggestions were made for further improvements. Please, email you comments to Serena and Jeroen.
The presentations are protected by lhcb (+usual) at the Nikhef agenda page. =========================================================================== The EVO session stopped during the discussion, because the booked time was over; sorry! This is new for me, as I am used for EVO to continue as long as the convener is still connected.
Best regards, Tjeerd