============================================================ Summary of the Friday 14 October 2011 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Ivan Mous, Bob Lambert, Siim Tolk, Jeroen van Leerdam, Francesco Dettori, Mauritio Martinelli, Niels Tuning, Pieter David, Wouter Hulsbergen, Vasileios Syropoulos, Thomas Bauer, Leo Wiggers, Serena Oggero, Gerhard Raven, Marcel Merk, Eddy Jans, Manuel Schiller, Tjeerd Ketel. Connected via EVO: Patrick Koppenburg, Veerle Heijne (++).
News (Marcel): - New PhD students: Vasileios Syropoulos and Isha Savani. - Wine Party (Chili) on Thursday 27 October starts at 16 h. - The 'Najaarsbijeenkomst' on 4 November in Lunteren will have contributions by Serena and Roel. The rehearsal of their presentations will be on Friday 28 October 9-11 h in N328. - VELO Upgrade meeting at CERN 9-10 November. - Workshop on Implications of LHCb and future prospects on 10-11 November at CERN. LHCb week 28 November - 2 December at CERN. - Jamboree 13 December at Nikhef. - PhD defense of Fabian Jansen on 16 December. - The review report of Nikhef by NWO is not public yet. - The Beauty 2011 proceedings are available. http://pos.sissa.it/cgi-bin/reader/conf.cgi?confid=129
'Zoo - an analysis tuple' (Manuel Schiller): Manuel explained the software (see the Nikhef agenda page). There was a lot of discussion and suggestions. Everybody is invited to try it and to discuss with Manuel about it.
'Bs->K*K*' (Patrick Kloppenburg): Patrick presented the theory motivation and a brief summary of the draft LHCb-Paper-2011-012.
Best regards, Tjeerd ============================================================