Hi, here are my comments to the baryon asymmetry paper.
First of all a great result that indeed deserves attention.
However, perhaps it is due to the fact that I have been on holidays, but I find the language in the paper far too technical for Nature. I think it is not written with a reader of Nature in mind. It is often small things that we take for granted in eg a PRL paper, but that should be done a bit more carefully for nature. eg: "the sum of two Crystal Ball functions[ref]" is not a format of language I would use in Nature.
clearly some illustations would help, eg Feynman diagrams and the event planes defining the angle Phi and the triple products.
As usual we describe the selection process, the precise definitions of observables and all details, but we could also chose to describe things one abstraction level higher and leave out some details that matter less for nature. And add some explanations of the ideas behind.
- line 32 eq (3): it is not a priory clear why A_T + A_T-bar is P-violating,while A_T - A_T-bar is CP violating. I find it very difficult to "see through" the triple product definitions and interpret that. Perhaps this can be explained a bit more.
- line 35: I also doubt that Nature readers appreciate the rich resonant substructure of the three particle phase space.
- line 38: Same comment for the "nonvanishing difference in CP invariant phase".
- line 45: what are "localised CPV effects". (Dalitz phase space is behind)
- lines 119 - 125 are "dense" to read.
On the two binning schemes:
Scheme A is mainly resonance contributions while scheme B exploits interferences. So what? What is the idea behind?
p-value A = 4.9 x 10^-2 (2 sigma)
p-value B = 7.1 x 10^-4 (3.4 sigma)
--> Do we expect such a behaviour? Yes, becaus of interferences, but no text is spend on this.
Why is the product of the two p-values of the binning schemes the best thing to look at (3.3 sigma) and not just scheme B? And forget abut scheme A?
I realize that I would have a hard time "explaining" this people to outsiders...
- Marcel