Dear All,
I collected the questions and comments that came up during the PhD paper discussion we had on Tuesday about the same paper. These probably all get simple answers when more experienced people have a look
- Not as a comment on the analysis, but more a general question: is there a reason to reweight in p_T and eta (and not, for example, p and pT or p and eta?)
- On section 6 (about the effective lifetime): we were a bit confused why this is important. Is it to show that the measured asymmetry is mainly the direct CP asymmetry, and as input for the aCPdir/aCPindir combination?
- I also thought about ways to shift the Delta A_CP central value, and came up with another second-order effect that I think is not accounted for (it could be that I simply overlooked it): if the production asymmetry depends on kinematics (it should, due to B+ and Bd being able to pick up valence quarks from a proton - and very naively reasoning, we should have some sensitivity to it, if we can measure fs/fd vs pT and eta), and there is a difference in efficiency vs kinematic region for KK and PiPi, a shift in Delta A_CP is generated. It depends on the size of the effects and the way the correlation works, how big it turns out, but the KK and PiPi kinematics differences do not look that small to me, from the plots illustrating the reweighting. As far as I understand from the paper, they take the two muon tags together for the reweighting, which makes it minimally sensitive to differences between B+ and B- (or Bd and Bdbar). And since this depends on the true B kinematics, it would get washed out when looking at the dependence of Delta A_CP on D0 and muon kinematics.
What do you think?
Op Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:31:21 +0100 schreef Marcel Merk
Dear bfys friends,
Due to the absence of too many people, the bfys meeting tomorrow (Friday 22 Feb) will be cancelled. Please send me your comments on the paper below before Monday and I will collect and upload them.
best regards,
- Marcel
On 18 February 2013 14:20, Marcel Merk wrote:
Dear Friends,
We have been assigned to review the following interesting paper: Search for direct CP violation in D0->K-K+, pi^-pi^+ using semileptonic B decays. For details, please see below.
If there is a volunteer to collect the comments for this paper, please contact me. The bfys meeting to discuss it will be Friday 22 Feb, at 9h30 in N328.
best regards,
- Marcel
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ulrik Egede Date: 12 February 2013 23:12 Subject: First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2013-003, Search for direct $CP$ violation in $D^0 \to K^- K^+$, $\pi^- \pi^+$ using semileptonic $B$ decays To: LHCb General mailing list
Dear Colleagues,
A paper is available for your comments:
Title : Search for direct $CP$ violation in $D^0 \to K^- K^+$, $\pi^- \pi^+$ using semileptonic $B$ decays
Journal : PLB Contact authors : Jeroen van Tilburg, Thomas Ruf Reviewers : Tim Gershon (chair), Sheldon Stone, Tom Blake EB reviewer : Jaap Panman Analysis note : ANA-2012-012 Deadline : 26-Feb-2013 e-group : lhcb-paper-2013-003-reviewers Link : Extra authors : Twiki :
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments: LAPP, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France Tsinghua University, China Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Cracow, Poland Birmingham, United Kingdom EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland NIKHEF, Netherlands
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility of the contact authors to provide replies on all comments made. Subsequent modification to the publication are made in consultation with the referees and during the EB reading. Following this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board with contact authors and reviewers present where final decisions are made. As the last step a short presentation is given to the collaboration and the paper is sent for publication.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts.
Regards, Ulrik Egede
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Prof. Ulrik Egede, Tel : +44 20 759 47688 Department of Physics, Fax : +44 20 782 38830 Blackett Laboratory, E-mail : Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK.